It’s not damning at all. That’s part of being a lawyer, and she clearly only defended him because she was professionally obligated to.
It’s not damning at all. That’s part of being a lawyer, and she clearly only defended him because she was professionally obligated to.
If being taken seriously as a presidential candidate with his level of hateful rhetoric and insult-driven campaigning doesn’t count as legitimizing a cultural trend, I don’t know what would.
Wait, why were you in bed with your mother discussing the disaster in Haiti again?
It makes sense. I personally only bother with collectibles/100% if beating the game gets me 70/90% of the way there. Arkham Asylum was perfect, City and Knight just were not worth it in any respect.
It’s Adults Only rather than Mature which is the issue: GTA is traditionally rated M but very few retailers carry AO games and I’m pretty sure (at the time at least) you couldn’t actually publish an AO game on console.
Dunno if you’ve heard of this, but search for “the new Jim Crow internet.” It’s easy to pretend it’s not an actual thing but I can only imagine there are going to be more and more articles calling it what it is going forward. It’ll be an uphill battle considering how people deal with racism (especially in the context…
If 25% is “fairly diverse,” I’d encourage you to rethink what diverse means
Do you really think they are going to be able to prove that?
So everything was fine when it was 80% men but now that it’s 80% women there’s an issue that can only be remedied by having it at exactly equal at 50-50?
You can not technically sue for online interactions that you have opted into. The developers being able to change game settings using Twitch commands (that you have, again, opted into by linking your account) is no different from the host of a lobby changing settings for speed or game mode. That the commands are…
Is there any point to commenting that you’re not actually sad after you commented saying that you’re sad for the world because you imagine that some people might be mad? Do you want a medal? Do you need a cookie?
It’s a really sad world we live in when an imaginary person’s imaginary outrage makes you sad about the world we live in.
I’m interested that they seem to be focusing on older lore in a big way, which hasn’t always been the case. They usually kind of signal back to something familiar but it often ends up being completely new or serious retcon. The storyline now sounds like they’re actually moving much of the earlier plot forward in a way…
I was surprised by how much I ended up liking MoP. I had long promised that I’d only come back if they added Pandaren but still wasn’t actually interested enough to come back for the expansion. I did end up getting some free game time and an upgrade toward the end of that expansion, though, and subscribed for a few…
I ended up playing a Starter edition and was mezmerized watching the new animation for Shaman’s lightning bolt. It’s sexy as hell.
I don’t really care for streamlining. Despite the sometimes huge amount of abilities, there were typically only as many as there are now needed in any given rotation. If they have a few with great animations and effects per class, that’s great for new people picking it up but I prefer Morrowind’s skills to Oblivion’s…
It looks like someone in the thread gave a good link for getting it working on Pi, but just be aware that it won’t do much out of the box without Steam. That’s not to say it only works with Steam games but that if you’re not connecting it to a PC with at least Steam running in the background (Windows, OS X, or Linux),…
It looks like someone in the thread gave a good link for getting it working on Pi, but just be aware that it won’t…
If everything is free, what’s the point of refunding in-game currency?
I actually played a little over the summer when they upgraded my account to Warlords and gave me some free gametime. I didn’t end up playing through the entirety of the time alotted. I wanted to come back when the actual Legion balance changes dropped but it seemed like a waste of money after I never bothered to…
I just don’t trust myself to be able to make that much money. I still only have epic flying on one character because I end up buying other silly stuff that doesn’t help me as much. I’ve never been very good at the gold-making game.