Joel Ness

Omfg, they do all that work to make it look good with what sounds like good suspension tuning and n/a 5.0 liter v8 but they stick an auto in it?! They say they are going back to basics? And they stick an automatic transmission in that thing? I quit, I'm done.

Anything on price and mounting options?

Bring that price down to $1k and we have a contender for np, not for me mind you. Just some cash strapped newly minted parents that need a ride for 2 adults and 2.5 kids.

So, I read a good portion of this. I don't understand why it's on jalopnik though. Wrong demographic. Although I get what you are saying.

I...don't know what to say.

The only thing that keeps me from looking at Maserati’s as sex-panthers (see what I did there?) is the lack of three pedals as an option. It's got almost everything right.

This has got to be some straight up dry ass British humor. Straight faced dry jokes.

Know the feeling. In Seattle the magnolia store used to put on (they still might, dunno) a demo of their top tier system after hours: mcintosh source, preamp and amplifier hooked up to a high end model of bowers and Wilkens speakers. Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture played and it was absolutely the most chilling experience.

Oh snap, I drive those streets everyday. Think I might have to get a truck like that now. And yeah, like humz said. The best thing to happen to the Tacoma dome since, well forever.

Yeah, this is true. Smaller engine leased BMW’s are driven by passive and clueless moron and the good ones are driven by lunatics.

Have you ever worked on an e39 540i? Post facelift?

2002 bmw 540i, airbags

You know, this price seems legit. Granted if you don't like working on project cars I get it. As a project car though, I totally see this as a nice price. You could probably talk the guy down a little bit too

I’d buy it closer to $10k for just the engine/transmission for a lister lancia stratos replica kit. That is all.

That’s kind of like seeing audi’s future concept on enders game, only real. It’s weird seeing an emblem with such nastolgic feelings on something so futuristic.

This is a no brainier, v8 with a stick in reasonable condition for 2600. That's a good deal

You know, I get it. From a cage drivers perspective loud pipes are annoying. Don’t get m wrong, I don’t rely on load pipes to save my life. However, v-twin engine (DOHC not that pushrod Harley shit) with loud a muffler sounds the business. It’s a thrilling sound. Think race bike (ducatis, Honda rc51, sv1000) with huge

This, this right here is the stupidest. And what usually accompanies it are chromed out accents (foot pegs, heel guards, spike style bar ends, tribal style license plate holder) that crowd has issues with needing attention.

No, dude plays dodgeball, he's invincible

This is the Ben stiller I like.