Joel Ness

Fun fact: that flexible drill bit thing would have come in real handy when replacing a crankshaft position sensor on my Saab 9-5. Seeing as it’s considered a consumable part on these cars I’ll probably get one.

Fun fact: that flexible drill bit thing would have come in real handy when replacing a crankshaft position sensor on

Oh, just looked up the motorcycle guy, he’s Turkish. Still, my question still stands.

What part of that drag race advances the idea that Turkey has advancement in technology? I’m all for a drag race also but I fail to understand what aspect of that race involved technology from Turkey. The timekeeping?

How strange, I just passed an eagle today. First one I’ve seen in ages. Now this? Funny world we live in.

I nominate feckless as the the word of the year. Someone contact Merriam-Webster!

Neutral: Ha, that’s funny! I rode a sportster once, it sucked. It was slow, couldn’t take a corner and was overpriced. I get the cruiser thing but Harley has been resting on its laurels for too long. New generations see through the marketing BS that Harley espouses and just see an over priced hunk of junk. For me to

Torch, what automotive annoyance irks you the most? I know you’ve seen some shit.

Tell me, if the moon were made of cheese, would ya eat it?

Ok, I think I have an answer to their problem:

Gizz in my pants

Yup, I’m doing duck confit and collard greens this year. 8 hours in the oven it’s gonna fall of the bone.

Thanks Jason for covering boring cars like all the print mags but doing it in a different way. I’m not being pithy I swear. It’s inciteful, a wee bit poetic(don’t let that get to your head) and the right side of weird. Keep jalopnik weird.

It’s this:

Is it weird that I had a hard time unseeing a miniature car (diecast?) in the first 7 pictures?

I voted NP, but I would never buy it. I’m sure it’s someone’s dream buy.

I just spent an unhealthy amount of time looking at Amc’s in general and the eagle as well this morning on craigslist, thanks!

On the matter of neutral: does anyone honestly aspire to BMW’s current lineup of sports cars? Is there anything that’s cutting edge and hardcore about BMW anymore? I would imagine that car companies are in a weird gray area for r&d dollars and focus. Future global warming regulations are not clear, electric propulsion

That was a thoroughly enjoyable video. I don’t know why I like seeing a mix of ill equipped cars taking on a rally course. Maybe it’s the fuck it attitude it must take for the racers. Shoestring budget, a shear desire to race. Anyways, loved it.

And this includes who is driving the vehicle? I read something that was quite interesting. Hagerty bills for liability once, regardless of how many cars are insured, because the thought is that only one car can be driven at one time. While that makes sense to me it may also mean that they only intend to insure the

Well, that might depend on what insurance market he shopped in. Does anyone know what a typical classic car insurance policy look like (e.g.: Hagerty?)