Arduous Huxtable

I'm constantly changing up the music I listen to however, there is one month out of the year that I am forced to listen to the same GD stuff over and over again. That month, you guessed it, is the month of December. So, because of that, on a beautiful spring morning as I"m strolling along I'll start whistling and

Great live show. Some of those songs needs to absolutely be experienced live.

Going through an Electronic music phase. Current Albums in my Car CD Changer:

After 2 full listens I enjoy the new album quite a bit. Been a fan since I heard 'Mushaboom' on North Jersey college radio. Looking back at the 4 albums of hers I own they are remarkably consistent in quality while still bringing something different to the table every time. May have to pick up those concert tickets

How are the Endymion books? I've been debating reading those next as the Hyperion books were fantastic when I read them a few years back.

I'm typically predisposed to like Sam Rockwell characters however I was impressed with his performance in Moon. One of those movies where I watched it on Netflix twice (DVDs) and then bought it a few weeks later.

The only book I read by him was the Scar and I enjoyed it for what it was.

Agreed. I don't fault Aimee for these reasons but more PTAs directing decisions (particularly the singalong at the end) and I certainly would not say that music is the most problematic aspect of the movie.

The use of music in Magnolia really takes you out of that movie in not a great way. That being said, I got back into Aimee when her collaboration with Ted Leo 'The Both' came out. The two really have complimentary styles surprisingly enough.

Followed by the band unplugging their guitars and running off stage.

In highschool I once played a show as Captain Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters… sadly no one got the joke…

Episode I: Successful Trade Negotiations

Bit microtone heavy but they also pull pretty evenly from prior albums and sprinkle in a few new ones.

Do it! That band locks into a monster of a rhythmic groove live.

Shit… Murder of the Universe was hilarious. Kind of like the audio equivalent of Gareth Marenghi's Dark place.. based upon a tune originally whistled by Gareth Marenghi.

Oooh… gotta check that out. Altered Beast killed live when I saw them in DC.

I bought a Korg Volca Sample and have pretty much been messing around with that all week… Picked up the Children of Alice album as a Broadcast completest. I love the extremely dense sound collages on this however, I do wish these guys would inject just a tiny bit of pop sensibility into their experimental creepy

I'll join your club Alex! Having watched the series probably 3+ times I'm pretty happy about the ending from an overall story standpoint.

Thanks! Will give a listen this weekend.