
"The motivation here is murky at best." Not really. They specifically said it's to breed B-Positive blood types as they like the taste of that more.

Martha Dixon's Copper Kettle Cookbook

Cold blooded, maybe…but he was rescued pretty quickly by Quantum because they wanted to kill him properly. Also, Craig was lucky to have Layer Cake come out before casting, but it only served to justify and solidify Barbara Broccoli's desire to cast him to the other powers that be. He was Broccoli's BFF and her long

It also kicked off the ridiculous "every movie inextricably-linked" era. It also kicked off the "Bond fails at every mission" era. CASINO ROYALE: Bond loses the money, the girl, and has his balls literally handed to him by the villain. QUANTUM OF SOLICE: Every ally dead in his wake and nearly gets beaten up by

Every episode of The Mist is a filler episode. Also, the lack of HP Lovecraft monsters on the show (as opposed to the very Lovecraft creatures in the movie) has lost me. The insects and the Mist screwing with peoples memories, etc…it's just not as interesting. The cast hasn't a single actor with charisma in it,

I don't think they see very many movies in the theater. I suggest "Irréversible". That movie was finger nails on the chalkboard from scene one. I walked out halfway through…which is the first time I walked out on a movie.

(I want that t-shirt).

This episode grows on you. It's become my favorite.

The episode seemed to be far far more David Lynch-ian than Coen Bros. An episode of a Mulholland Drive anthology instead of Fargo.


No, Michael Ontkean wasn't asked. He'd have done it if they even asked.

Here's a theory: Lynch is a jerk for not asking Michael Ontkean back. Everyone else was…just not him.

I'm surprised this article didn't mention the callout to the original movie. "Call Stan Grossman". Wasn't the father-in-law's business in that movie real estate/parking lots, too?

I'm wouldn't be surprised if Savitar is Ronnie Raymond, but I believe it is Julian from Earth-2 (or some such Earth). Also, the moment they started this whole "Iris will die" storyline I have never thought for a moment that anyone other than Joe will be the one who dies.

I'm still not certain how gaining cold powers automatically gave Caitlin an evil personality. Sure, the Earth-2 Killer Frost was evil, but so was the Earth-2 Vibe…so, if Cisco isn't an Earth-1 evil SOB, I'm not sure why having cold powers automatically made her evil.

Technically, he didn't need to Tweet anything. He did, though. He could have just called up her family to express condolences and left it privately…maybe go to the funeral, though. But, he tweeted without thinking.

Such a mistake for this show to have left the White House needlessly way before Meyer had to go because of term limits. There was so much comedy gold on her VP and Prez situations…not so much now and it shows.

I would have liked Nick Frost as the Doctor.