
"Mass Romantic" and "The Rules Have Changed" by The New Pornographers are gold. I kind of wish every single song by them was as catchy and good as those two.

I kind of wish they explored the multi-verse instead of time traveling.

Criminal it was cancelled.

I think Hannah gave up on the idea of Adam really really quickly. I don't agree or like how Dunham ended their story. I'd bet money Hannah goes to Michigan to be with her mom and leaving it all behind (didn't she already go back to Michigan once before?). She's still pretty self-destructive in her choices and

Well, I for one wanted Hannah and Adam back together. Also, Abigail WASNT a good person to Shoshanna and for her to randomly walk back into the story and Ray drop Shosh like a hot potato when she was there for him in a sweet way this season….I don't know, but Ray made a big mistake and if this is the end of his story

This episode only exists to make the actors happy. It was abysmal as a Flash episode.

Death stroke is a c-list villain…and he's not even a Batman villain. He is a Teen Titans villain. With the largest rogues gallery this side of Dick Tracy I'm not certain why they're using a Teen Titans villain for Batman.


I get the feeling that Iris isn't going to be the West that gets killed. I'll miss Joe. Without him the show becomes a little too Vampire Diaries.

Tabitha: She shoots up a few mob bosses, but wouldn't their lieutenants be just outside? Also, she shoots another mob boss who makes a phone call for her, but when he hits the ground off screen after she shoots him and her eyes are straight ahead like he's still standing there (bad direction). Also, why do many of

Space: 2099? I wouldn't mind a re-visit to Moonbase Alpha.

Sabotage from Star Trek Beyond? Really? That seemed very much like "If you liked it that much, I'll do it again.."

I badly want to buy an Ashy Slashy puppet. I hope they make it someday soon.

They should dust off the scripts that Lucas rejected. Didn't Frank Darabont and M. Night Shyamalan both offer scripts that Lucas rejected?

End this story with this family. Make the series an anthology from next season on: every season a new story in a different location in the world with a complete new cast…like Fargo does.

1. Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan (1982)
2. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
3. Star Trek (2009)
4. Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
5. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986))
6. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)
7. Star Trek: Generations (1994)
8. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
9. Star Trek Beyond (2016)

Remember GOP voters: Election Day is November 9 this year!

Well, if they'd just filmed an adaptation of the animated "Assault on Arkham", this question would not have been asked.

I've never understood why He-Man was a popular cartoon. I swear someone sold their soul to make that work.

This show was great. It definitely could have continued, but the asnine decision to broadcast against HBO's Sunday night juggernaut was too stupid to overcome. Ratings sucked? Gosh, I wonder why…