Joel Forsyth

For crying out loud, Jesus, we get it, you don't like skeuomorphism; neither do I. But was it really necessary to include that in every other point?

You'll take the black? ... Jon Snow? Is that you?

This is why the internet was created. Thank you.

Awesome!!! And a happy, animated, looping birthday to you, too!!!

Are you telling me that today, on my 25th birthday, I am the same age as the GIF?!?!

Awesome! It drove me bonkers!

Thank you, sir. I'll "unscrupulize" when I get home.

I was about to agree with you and then remembered that although they don't have Siri, the 3GS and the 4 do have voice feedback when using the Voice Control options. Damn you, Apple, give me free features!

I think he means that only 4S users have the Siri text-to-speech data which is about ~150MB.

I, along with the rest of the internet, would be thrilled if you could take the trip and verify that turn by turn navigation works on the 3GS.

I like this article. I like what it's about and I like how it's phrased.

So let me get this straight...

It's new to me. And as a Canadian living in measurement hell between American Imperial and UK Metric, this trick is a godsend.

Yes. Everything about this article. Yes.

I, for one, welcome our new silicon dioxide overlords.

I have never read an article so intently as I read this one. My heart goes out to Matt and Cristina. Good luck.

THANK YOU! My biggest issue is my crappy rural high-speed internet. (The term high-speed is only relative to dial-up.)

I'm reading the comment months after you wrote it thinking: "DAMN! GOOD IDEA! The rarer the item, the longer it takes! And then, sometimes you get a let-down, but other times you get vindicating satisfaction."

It's neat to read this 3.5 year old article now that the game has been out for 2 weeks.

I would like to thank everyone in this comment thread for that tip.