Joel Forsyth

I'm glad I'm not the only one that caught that. Haha.

That exists now, it's called "International Locations for Siri" and it costs a dollar. It's not perfect, but it works.

I fell in love the moment Wheatley first chimed in.

Thank you. Although my brain couldn't quite articulate it was well as you just did, I was thinking the same thing as I read this article.

I've grown fond of using and sharing "Office 2010 Starter" which includes Word and Excel. (PowerPoint Viewer can be downloaded separately.)

Good for you man, you're asking for a public lynching but, good for you. You're flame-baiting, but your case is solid.

I would not group an affinity for video games with an affinity for anime... ever.

*Two thousand and late...

I like what you're saying here and I like how you said it.

Some of us loved it. Sorry about the trolls.


Dolan comics, anyone?

Temporary Error (500m) in Ontario, Canada.

I'm from Canada, so I only visited Disney World for the first time last year. I was 24 at the time and was determined to go to the Magic Kingdom. Screw Epcot, I'm 24 and I'm gonna hang out with Snow White, what of it?

Damn, and I thought I was clever for using Notepad.

You're right. The romances could use a little (read: a lot of) work, but I have to admire and applaud them for trying to encourage open-mindedness.

Would people stop pooping on this. We're judging the iBook by it's covering and it's really pissing me off. Can we please save these articles until the movie comes out and RottenTomatoes tells us what to think? Kthxbai.

It's all fun and games until the token drunk thinks it's time for a water balloon fight.

I like how the URL omitted "photobombed"