Joel Forsyth

"but with [CyanogenMod 9 going Alpha], maybe there's value in it!"

Plus, when giant overloads enslave our planet, they can play giant Horseshoes!

You're completely right about the "teaching a man to fish" bit. But despite building and fixing computers for a living, I'll pay extra to let ASUS, Apple, or Alienware (read: Dell) build my computer for me, any day.

If you're okay with micromanagement, and have a solid understanding of processors, their sockets, motherboards, heat management, video cards, RAM and it's megahertz, and the installation and troubleshooting off all of the above, then yes, buy and build your own.

You're the best person on the internet today. You win potartz.

Thank you, Brian. I now know who Anna Tsuchiya is. Fapulous.

Home movies, backed up to YouTube with privacy enabled and the account name and password kept in a safebox.

There must be something else in it, or omitted from it, to change it's consistency so drastically.

Do we call them "Soap-ah" and "Pipp-ah"?

Although I'm no expert and my cooking expertise stops at adding a little Cheez Whiz to Kraft Dinner. I have reason to believe that Miracle Whip is not a suitable substitute for "real" mayonnaise in this case. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Best comment from "The Truth Behind the Scenes":

Now playing

I assumed your comment about the HP Touchpad being alive might have mentioned the pre-pre-alpha CM9 demo of ICS.

Best written article on the whole of Gawker. Between the pants-down title-card and lines like: "I imagine tuning all the television sets to hardcore gay porn"

The 5th photo reminds us of this androgyny, or the existence of space camels.

To further your point, the first MacBook Air actually only had 1 USB port. Stupid Apple.

I see hope for this thing, once the Cyanogen Team gets hold of it.

I'm so bummed. I think back to the original "Manila Envelope" Macbook Air ad (and parodies) that everybody laughed at (me included). "What's the point of this ultra-thin, ultra-expensive yet to be named: ultra-book?"

Perhaps Jamie is asking WHTY Florida AM radio station what to do.

But why* is Airbus doing nothing about it?