Joel Forsyth

I could never live without MxTube (YouTube Downloader). If Apple allowed it, I might join the ranks of those living with stock iOS.

I think my favourite part of Gawker articles is the (sometimes recycled) title cards used as the headers. An article on io9 comes to mind: []

You're kidding. Really? Well hats off to Intel for coming up with a video card that doesn't suck.

A few weeks back, I invested in a 2010 MacBook Air, 11inch, 128GB SSD, 1.4Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM for 'only' $799 off of Apple's Refurb site.

#corrections In the image, you have a miscapitalization of the L in Kid's CLothing.

You either need to be banned or promoted. I'm going with "promoted to king".

The same would apply to Apple's numeric passwords on iPhones and iPads. The same would apply to the gesture based "9-point unlock" on Android phones. The option to opt for alphanumeric/QWERTY security exists on all these devices as well. So why is the inventor of (the recently hacked: []) RSA SecurID,


Can't we just LAWL, people? Your semantics are boring.

I love you.

My rough breakup in 2009 started with my "vindictive happiness" even though I was a wreck. I had to prove that I was 'happier without'. When suddenly about a year later, as a result of all the forced happiness, I realized how much happier I actually was! And I wasn't trying anymore! And then the e-mail arrived: "I

"Flash has become crucial to just about every good and successful thing Apple sells."

Be nice to Jesus. It's almost Christmas.

Do not pursue the Facebook. You are the only soul with clean DNA. Future generations will call upon your untainted gene pool for genetic salvation. You will be heralded as the savoir of our people. Please, for all mankind, stay free.

"Sometimes the dice aren't in your flavor."

"Help! My corpse his right here!"

Just grab your Ocarina and play the Bolero of Kindle Fire.

Now playing

I'll see your piano launching catapult and raise you one flaming-piano launching trebuchet with a bonus car launching:

Oh hai! I'm Joel, the pacifistic Agnostic Theist. And as a pacifist, I believe that "God is good" broad needs to go play in traffic. []