
One thing I love about this dude from reading about him the last several days, is how he claims he’s doing a public service by giving away the balls he catches, when in actuality every single ball would end up with other fans if he just left it alone.

I got 11 balls today

I didn’t know I was at fault for writing about someone doing something shady, but my eyes have been opened. Thank you

This guy is also an attentionhawk, and you are feeding him.

That is your problem, not his.

I’m not convinced this season will be any less fascinating? Going into last season, everyone assumed it’d be the Cavs out of the East and GSW out of the West, and the exact storyline most predicted played out, and it was one of the most dramatic seasons in NBA history. The storyline’s now set again, and it has the

Let’s not forget that the NBA draft is inherently bullshit. Players have no say in where they play or how much they get played. It’s just an attempt to level the playing field for billionaires that are incapable of hiring competent people and staying out of their way.
I cheer each and every player that leaves a city

I don’t hate KD for signing with the Warriors...I just hope they don’t win any more champinships

^ Review of the Busta Rhymes/Tech N9ne tour.

Funny you should mention the Bucks. They signed Gritlord Dellavadova, who couldn’t get minutes over Mo Williams in the Finals.

Hey, if anyone can relate to being abandoned by someone who put you on the map, it’s Kevin Durant. Except his sign read “Come back Dad”.

Call a doctor, your sense of humor is broken.

Sabine is the most lively and genuine feeling one on the show.

He had no chance whatsoever from day 1, he was replacing Clarkson.

Like Evans said, he gave it his best shout.

*international nightmare

Our long national nightmare is over.

Only appropriate that on 4th of July the American once again conquers the Brit.