It makes sense that Iceland’s manager is a part - time dentist. It seems those guys are just talented at murdering helpless lions.
It makes sense that Iceland’s manager is a part - time dentist. It seems those guys are just talented at murdering helpless lions.
You can take the player out of Spurs, but you can’t take the Spurs out irf the player.
The English announcing team on ESPN was hilarious. They could not remain unbiased (and were not interested in doing so, to be fair).
After the game, Kane fell on his sword...but he missed.
I will admit, I laughed a lot more than I thought would.
Hey, the 5th row is something
At least that damn ship hit SOMETHING. That free kick didn't hit a damn thing!
Always highflight truthers.
Are you suggesting a Christian lied to further perpetuation of the faith? This I cannot believe but I don’t have the time. I need to further oppress employees so that I gain more profit because somehow that’s not a sin but looked favorably upon as my prosperity grows.
He made a stand for God in a difficult situation.
Coming from Atlanta though, so, you know, lateral move at worst.
Thank whatever I’m not the only one. This absolutely would not go down like this. We got diverted because someone had nausea once, and it was on the exact same ATL-PHX Delta route.
Wait, you’re not counting his first miracle as staying a virgin through 4 years in Gainseville?
“Oh my god...Did I die? Is this hell?!”
“No sir, you’re alive. We’ve landed in Phoenix.”
Man, that’s in the running for Comment of the Year
Tebow: God, we could really use your help on this one!
To be fair, Tebow only prayed a couple times. Demariyus Thomas prayed the other 80.
How many times have sportscasters uttered a banal sentiment about “honoring our troops?” There’s a political calculus under that statement that never gets examined but that’s an endorsement of a political viewpoint. (And might even be a paid promotion.)
leave it to others to ponder why, of Deitsch’s seven interviewees, Jemele Hill and Bomani Jones were the only two strongly in favor of embracing important issues when they arise.
You’ll notice that people aren’t really on board the “stick to sprots” train if it’s a political viewpoint they agree with. Because what they’re really saying is “I don’t like being confronted by anything I don’t like”.