Phil Kessel's Bad Breath

I’d just like to kindly point out that Penn State honored JoePa at the Temple game THIS SEASON. So the people in “happy valley” are still a bunch of shitfucks. Fuck Penn State.


Pro tip: don’t cover up for a monstrous child rapist, and certainly don’t build statues honoring his chief enabler.

Until they admit Patetno’s role in it, renounce him and his action, say that he was a fucking awful human being, stop treating him like he was a god then, no, I don’t have the charity to move past it and let them forget what happened.

Penn State shouldn’t even be allowed to have a football program. They shouldn’t be allowed in college sports. And everyone who says that “YOU CAN’T DO THAT, WHAT ABOUT THE POOR PLAYERS!!! YOU MONSTER!!!” needs to take a step back and look at the “business” of college athletics: the coverups and shit that they put the

I thought it was really moving when they brought Joe Paterno’s exhumed corpse down from the stands and carried it off the field on their shoulders next to James Franklin.

It’s already been said, but it bears repeating: fuck Penn State

Fuck Penn State

Now playing

I can’t wait to see the “Goodell” reaction video for this week. Here’s last week’s.

It was a gritty tweet. Good hustle on Phil’s part.

The toughness thing has to die, especially in international hockey. Canada went that route in the 2006 Olympics and it was a fucking disaster. I think it was Yzerman after that who said screw it, we need to choose the most skilled, best players available; and it’s worked ever since.

I’d say Kessel’s tweet took balls, but, well, you know.

Crazy how this super gritty, tough team got butthurt over a few tweets.

I’ve seen these guys before:

Pictured: Creepy NSA-Style Tracking Of Users’ Penis Sizes

I like it. All penalties will be reported to the Penn state dean of athletics who will handle it appropriately. The refs did their job.

Recent Penn State grad

At least they’re doing it against Temple. Will Bill Cosby be honored as well?

Penn State has been honoring Joe Paterno for a while now. Their offensive line has played like a collection of statues for years.
