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    Video looks like it has been edited too much... kinda like the Rubber chicken songs where the artist will adjust it to give the perfect pitch. Or that funny looking music toy thing otamatone

    Looks more like PC hacks rather player trying to find fun in this game

    I will kill all the animals in that zone so my palico can be fluffy

    Anyone else feel like the barb wire baseball bat is overdone? If she was really Peach, it would have been a nailed pink umbrella.

    ...is this kinda like not news? It is like calling a cellphone that can play flappy birds. What next? Snake on Wii runs 60 fps!!!! Minesweeper is super responsive! Solitaire Wii is the GOTY!!!!

    Correction no good PC games came out. PC MASTER RACE out!

    “It was just a prank, bro” the movie

    I think all the Nintendo Switch comments are really saying “Please give us a New game, we are tired and bored or replaying ports from 3DS and Wii. We need to justify our purchase of Switch beside portablity, it is just like a XL 3ds and playing indie 8 bit games does not cut it anymore. “

    In before Overwatch adds a “Battleground” mode and it is praised to high heaven as innovation

    Douchebag makes small time douche videos, once he makes the biggest how big of a douche he is, is he actually sorry or he is riding his 15 mins of fame of his douchy glory cause the internets loves people defending their douche rules.

    They are trained to do their job, but shitheads who make a swat calls as a “prank” are jeopardizing the victims and their family. Not bad cops but someone who is trained to react to any thing to eliminate. Do swat teams always expects “aw it is another prank call” 

    I think this is bias review, (like polygon and persona 5). This game looks great and all, when comparing that it is on a Nintendo Switch. So much better than Botw since it actually has a story and better combat. But that is like comparing tactical rpg and half ass made game with a Zelda brand slapped on it. It is

    I enjoyed Metroid on classic gameboy but kinda wondering. Wouldn’t it sell better if the remastered Super Metroid? or is that like the holy grail of perfection.

    WTF is arms up there? I played it several times and found it to be gimicky and responsive as Dragon Ball Kinect. Is Kotaku still trying to force that this is an actual competitive fighting game, not another 10 min project that was aimed for mobile junk pile?

    Still looks like button mashing FTW

    Wow, I mean really? What a splatton should .... . My god, how much is Nintendo is paying kotaku to write this awful article. I mean beside shoving ARMS at us as a competitive fighter that can stand next to blazblue.
    First off , a TV show?! What kind a short attention span you have to need something like this? What

    ....who cares?

    wow you got excited by a title and someone say we are planning. Nintendo presentation was pretty dull with thing that were shown. Can get hype with no proof beside title. FF7 atleast shown a small cinematic  

    I feel ripped off to buy a switch to play retro games...
    Any PC emulation can do it, my old modded PSP can play SNES and Genesis games. Switch does not live up to the hype and Nintendo games is losing the nostalgia feel.

    I agree, after playing zelda i just doesn’t feell right not climbing on everything amd gliding and interesting open world.. oh sorry i meant spider-man games. Yeah every game should be like Spiderman