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    Is it me or people who sympathize with weapon breaking . Are saying you don’t get too attach to them but in most games the hero has a progress of getting stronger and better with weapons and tools. I would have like it better if the weapons actually was more effective? Like axes were able to smash through armor,

    I wonder if there is a condition like stockholm with games

    Well at least Halo gave you an infinite ammo pistol, also the choice of melee so you are never totally defenseless and force to run away and look for a stick.
    Have you ever played a real RPG? Replacing junk starter weapons was progressing through the story. In final fantasy i got the ultima blade from killing a hidden

    Loved game series, but overhype and nostalgia is covering this games flaw. Not to bash the switch console but this is slightly better than a PS3 game in graphics and processing. Kinda like Pokemon and mario, they can put that label on anything and fans will rip their right arm off.

    TRAITOR! Thou blaspheme talk is the work of the devil! How dare you talk less of Zelda of Nintendo!! Kotaku has every other article prasing the glorious sunset and the ... the... my Gods it is true. Everything about this game is done half ass compared to past titles. Like give Link new weapon but they break all the

    I would disagree, this Zelda would be hard to introduce to a non gamer, a few issues would be Limited weapon durability, Hard enemies/combat, Limited inventory at the start, No hand holding and lack of a story (If the user is not familiar with Zelda Lore). These nitpicks are mention by some gamers and pretty sure a

    Nioh - final demo is out this weekend, free on PSN for PS4. Last chance to get the free DLC and stuff. Surprise there is no article about it and more trash about witcher or division