
Hard disagree on the graphics mode.  The image is softer but the lack of a motion blur slider makes the 30fps very hard to look at.  FFXVI greatly benefited when they added a slider to dial back the intensity of it so it might be a viable option here if they do the same.  

Will always take performance, any console, any game. I look forward to this not needing to be a choice at all. 

During combat, FF7 Rebirth is even more intricate and requiring of responsive lag-free controls, so I recommend keeping gameplay to performance mode at 60fps.

It does look softer, but I just can’t, I need my 60fps. 

Now playing

I gotta be honest, I haven’t played Sonic Adventure 2 in a while, but this is the song I most associate with it and would love to see in the movie:

“I Just Finished Watching The Sixth Sense And I'm Convinced Bruce Willis' Character Is Dead"

Oh yeah, and something we know from the original FF7: While Sephiroth initially thought Aerith was a threat and that’s why he killed her, it turns out that she isn’t a threat because while she summoned Holy, Sephiroth was able to hold it back. Since Sephiroth now knows this, there’s no point in him targeting Aerith

It’s like people skipped the entire last three hours of the game. It baffles me that anyone who played remake missed the fact that this is NOT just a retelling of the original story. 

Me: “I just want a slightly nicer looking and better translated version of the original.”

I figured it was called “Remake” because it was going to be the only title in the “remake” games to actually stick mostly to what happened originally, but I could be wrong or it could have more than one meaning.

Yeah did you...not play Remake?

It wasn’t that difficult to infer after the events of Remake alone. 

They hired Jim Gaffigan for the wrong ‘low quality food stuffed with filling’ movie, swing and a big miss!

“And honestly, can you really put a price on getting your life organized?”

This is not what people are looking to buy in this economy. Ridiculous price for something that is probably running on a $30 dollar rasberry pi. Actually, here is an article from 2018 on how to build your own.

$600?   I’m a family of 4..  We all have a shared calendar on our phones.  Why am I dumping $600 on a iPad that does one thing?  95% of the time I am looking at my calendar, I am not in my kitchen (where we used to keep a family calendar)..  

“Why did people call it ‘Pokemon with guns’? said the site that repeatedly calls it “Pokemon with guns”

The pokemon with guns needs to be changed to ark with pokemon. The progression is identical as that game

Someone else said it best. Its Palemon: Legend of ARKeus. Its basically a slightly less janky ARK with Pokemon.

I’m not saying that the promise of gunplay wasn’t used in the previews, but being negative towards the game simply because the high level gameplay used in the previews isn’t indictive of the first 10-15 hours is kind of a travesty. Its as if you saw the Eikon fights for Final Fantasy 16 and assumed those would be the