
Lets just say GM and call it a day followed by range rover

People cant afford homes insurance property taxes but sure no problem buying ev’s.

Ask tesla they have made wheelchair freindly mods for customers

Like flying cars ?

I was told by a lawyer buy it outright or walk away as its a con 

Cost a d how well they age. Will parts be available in 8 years

I thought ten a d two was the new nine an three

I am all for this as we have had too many H S kids killed by their graduation presents

Chey corvair 

Ribbed for whoever you hit pleasure

Its a family van, so throw it ontop of the luggage and toys and pasengers?

Gee its so nice to see you being neutral.

And what does one do with the flat tire?

Others poor driving skills are not your fault.

Not for me.

Not like Hubris and Karma never date each other.

The ability to start the car.

If I was in the market tis is a yes all day, but I am not

He got too close to a semaphore turn signal?

No talks about the war on Honda Days