
The Former Guy supporters always seem to be fine people (sarcasim)

For a first car they are perfect

Another consideration is cost of parts and availability of parts. Im seeing a lot of people foolishly suggesting BMW and Lexus etc. 

Remember its more fun and usually easier to make a slow car fast(er) then a fast car faster.

Isnt the answer always Miata or Crown Vic?

Some entitled fool is confusing free charging with free parking

Dos anyone do crank windows anymore aside from Jeep?

And exactly how is it determined? Part content? Where the car is assembled? What if its a rebadged car?

It depends how you are measuring. Mechanically probably. Electronically I doubt it but we will know in 5-10 years as all these modules age and if replacements that work can be had for reasonable money. The lack of real buttons for basic conrols is a HUGE mistake.

WHAT?!?! For that money they arent breeding tiny symphony orchestras to play live?

Just out of curiosity, is it the original radiator? Have you physically inspected the front of the radiator behind the condenser to see if all the cooling fins are there? Sometimes the condenser hides decrepit cooling fins, then you get a really hot day and a cascade of issues can start.

Just like all new model electric cars, Ill wait till next year. Especially since I’ve had run ins with VW electrics in the past, it wasnt pretty.

I think your asking the wrong question. “When did great car design die” is a better question. the 1970's

Its so wide spread that Amazon sells a varity pack of just 10mm sockets. It doesnt matter the length , points, or drive size they all return to the wild.

No its not you, people are insane 

We’ve all done it once. Twice makes you an idiot.

I did this by accident on my 91 CRX and all it did was blow a main fuse for a grand total of 6 dollars. 

Starting with the door?

Lets see, kill off the internet. MAGA idiots communicate and get their “news” from the internet. There is a flaw here ....

Anytime you see a pile of rusted metal on the side of the road, you’ve seen an old Fiat