
The one clue everyone is missing, is the seat belt. In order to move to the back seat or pass seat one has to undo the seat belt (They dont seem bright enough to bypass it). Teslas wont engage a lot of features with the seatbelt not used.

This is when you find out how well the POs took care of the car. In theory they can last forever, in reality can be quit different. Luckily they dont snap and make themselves known.

Im 59 and yes.

If your going to be so stupid to do something like this (If they did) you deserve what happens. There is doubt as to if they did or the driver got thrown out of the seat.

Didnt the same thing happen in the good old days with cruise control, and yet every car just about has basic CC.

My takeaway is people will do anything to blame Tesla

Unless interpersonal relationships were involved.

60 isnt what it was when we were growing up.

I’m not sure labeling him as “Pro abortion” is fare. He realizes hes the president of 365 million ish people that follow 310 ish different religions (not to mention atheists). The catholic church wants to be as heavy handed as the Taliban or Islam. He realizes this and wont be blackmailed into doing the churches

It just screams KILL ME

I suspected I was being generous

What is this “read” thing you speak of.

Not everything is available as a pure digital medium.

But they heated my bedroom in winter so nicely.

All day this is a yes. Good honest car everything works well maintained.

Sinettines Off-road is ib place without trees, this will work.

I like it

Define “Off road”

That is ugly and underpowered, all with the benefit of 9mpg?