
So now we can laugh guilt free.

Thats not Texas. European road signs, Euro plates, and driving on the wrong side of the road As a driver couldnt take that video)

I love IH Scouts but they are really hard to find and really who wants to expose a survivor to NYC roadsalt?

I thought we all wanted Pizza, thats what we agreed to at the meeting

Remember Freedom Fries?

It really depends upon its service history as it is getting into scary miles for a tightly wound BMW. Also I am not seeing the stray wire, but these days  I would suspect it being more of a usb cable then anything.

It looks great, but an IH body buit by an Italian company, so they charged extra for the factory rust?

This made me cry, because my Dad was a drunk and never taught me how to shave. This is sweet.

That trick never works ....

Really good drugs in this dealership. The car is over polished makes one wonder what they are trying to hide? Its about 2500.00 too much

No goats? 

Heey Honda, you want to give Subaru a run for the money, this is it.


Hit and run too!

If the dog dies I'm out

Im sorry but this is all sorts of funny

Is it just me or is Elon hitting the munchies hard?

Yes yes and yes. Engines didnt run that hot back then. The wax engine thermostat was invented in 1934, and I dont know how long it took to be accepted in general use. Also from styling point of view made for cleaner lines and it protected the often way too big for the job radiator from road ddamage.

Cop shoots at self-driving car killing passengers is a headline I dont want to see.