
I thought that guy was the worlds oldest boy scout

FSA Marketing meeting “weii somehow they are not on the lots we must have sold them”

Compact truck wars with big truck prices.

In the picture above it would seem that there is a garage full of solutions

Big rolls of bubble wrap!

This came up on a FB group I belong too

Ill stick with Ally bank thank you

It seems to me he’s stealing the competitions scooters to enrich his own. Whats to stop a car sharing service from stealing another car sharing services legally parked car? Same idea.

Have they not heard of JB Weld?

But can the land on roof tops? 

Oh boy I cant wait for the Keeping Up With The Kardashians episodes of Kim hitting the books.Look at the size of those ...... brains

Not true as they are removing and adding seats all the time. Passenger seats are designed to be highly flexible in modern aircraft and can be changed on a whim.

Next announcement in 6 months, Delta adding seats to coach.

Yet to be seen. I think Insurance claims and rates will dictate how this plays out.

A trucks lifetime that is a work truck is over 10 years. For 60 lbs weight saving I just dont see it to be worth it. Its going to make these trucks throw away trucks. The Soccer Moms and Dads are going to buy these. 

So does that mean I can finally sit down and watch them all in order?

I used to work for a defense contractor. Its not the CF I doubt, its GM’s design I doubt.

To save a buck? Yes.