
Maybe just maybe you shouldnt cite someone who was a DWI with an open container to knock a law.

Pfft I can turn snow yellow.

There is always a Lada

Maybe he discovered that there really is a deep state, and its Russian?

Only because the dogs outsmarted him

I pictured ACME on the side

Dont you get higher on a lawn chair and baloons?

An airplane ticket may have been cheaper

No drama with a baloon

Ramblers had that.

Maybe cause she is no longer a girl but a wife, those J turn hormones are gone.

On modern cars there is barely enough room for your feet as it is, now you want to add buttons?

T-Rex poop fire? Thats way cooler then dragons.

My neighbors dont have porches and ssshhhhhh i need toilet paper

All that powered by the 1.8L its going to be underpowered and a slug.

My neighbor had one rotting in her yard for many years. I like weird little cars I want one.

So by jumping up and down screaming I can get my neighbors drone

Here it is the Mass exodous of boats from side yard winter storage back to the water. It also marks winter.

42. The answer to everything is 42.