
So they got a big enough check.

So it takes two people to do what the Grand Tour can do with one?

Therapy Falcons?

So He’s just outside of Palm Springs?

But who will pay for the dog therapist bills?

But who will pay for the dog therapist bills?

German habits die hard?

TV has this wonderful feature called a channel changer.

Maybe his tunnel boring has released the undead?

Something I can fit me Stigs in!

Always pay your taxes on ill gotten gains. The IRS doesnt care where the income comes from as long as taxes are paid. Al Capone can tell you that (well his ghost can).

Im still rooting for giant metor myself

All those melting glaciers dont just disappear you know. Its all water, and water weighs something. It presses down on plates and BOOM

Where is the blinker fluid gauge?

1800 feet, sure no one will see it he thinks. I think hes trying to chicken out of it

Im here for the splat

For over 20 years both industries have been begging for tariffs on Chinese made solar cells and appliances since they could not be made competitively (rightly so). Well guess what, they are finally getting them. Trumps a con-man and an ass, but guess what, I wonder about these trade groups too,

So silicon hump implants?

Notice how they dont mention Tide Pods

The only time Camel Toe is allowed?

Who me?