
Eh-eh (if you dont get it say it out loud a few times)

So this was done on porpoise?

But how many of the other countries are privately owned? Granted a argument can be made that Russia should be called Putinania but still.

With a straw, from the bottle with the lights off crying to yourself? Am I right?

We all know only the CIA can melt steel with fuel.

So for all that money they are range rovers with bad suspension

Ugh more touch screens. I dont have issue with the spedo in the center, but touchscreens just suck.

Who knew a track team could draw so much money

Looks like it burned where it was parked in the wrecking yard

Shouldn’t it be cash-Uber?

As long as people think they can hide behind (what they feel are safe) fake names they will always be impowered to bully people over the net.

Its probably the same people who are boycotting Hawaii but couldnt find it on a map.

Its been tried before, it will fail again

And could have been worse, an inattentive carbon based life form jay walking?

At one of my past Jobs, we had a “Situation”. It was scary, fortunately it didnt go as far as an active shooter, but we thought it was going to become one. I was a manager and always joked that I had my office next to back door for a reason.


Taking “Imaginary friend” to an entirely creepy level.