Well, to be fair, I’m not sure Melania can actually move her face any more. 45 is just an asshole.
Well, to be fair, I’m not sure Melania can actually move her face any more. 45 is just an asshole.
I saw that tweet and I was thinking, “DO NOT FUCK UP MY CURRENT BENEFITS, YOU FAT FUCK!”
no crucifixion here. I agree that many people are disturbed by the idea of abortion, which they have a right to be. They just don’t have a right to impose their personal morality on others, that’s all, and most people who aren’t fans of abortion do live and let live - and often, when placed in a tough spot themselves,…
No crucifying coming from me, I promise!
Ok, so having said that, I would just like to say that I have yet to hear from anyone who “likes” abortion; that is, I’ve never heard of anyone who think it’s something that *should* happen, just something that does. However, there are plenty of us who are morally ok with it,…
I would like to borrow a toddler and go back to that one and ask for some food for the kid and see what happens. I know just the little maniac for the job, too.
Or how about in liberal areas like mine where there are ZERO CPCs and just our local PP (where all of my friends have gone for BC, STI screenings, and one who got treatment for pre cancerous polyps on her cervyx who is currently 25 weeks pregnant 10 years later, woohoo!). What then? I was an idiot kid who’s parents…
Not going to crucify you, but if you think about it for half a second, abortion being *legal* is not the same as it being *legal and accessible*, and it is not the latter for too many women - by design of anti-abortion advocates who keep doing all they can to make it as inaccessible as possible, especially for the…
There are a few things I would risk jail for; securing reproductive freedom for women is one of them.
I’m not going to crucify you. I don’t think there’s many women that are excited to get an abortion. I do think that’s a straw man. It’s a medical procedure, just like I wasn’t excited to get my tonsils out
Refer her to Susan Collins, Republican senator of Maine, who opposes shutting down Planned Parenthood precisely because there are not enough community clinics to take over that workload here in Maine. It is surely the same dire situation in many poorer and more rural states.
I want that ridiculous-long-ass tie to get caught up in that wheelchair’s mechanism and enjoy what happens when Vet Dude takes off.
Yeah, Missing-Leg-Guy doesn’t look remotely proud of that monkey on his back. He just looks glad to be alive.
Right? A one time bag of clothes (used, in my area) maybe a can of formula if they have it and diapers once is not some major saving grace.
I’ve literally never heard about those places giving freebies. And anyways unless they give food, shelter and money, they’re not helping anyone.
God, he is such an embarrassment on every front. I’m mystified at how he got to be a figure in media considering he has no idea how to talk to another human.
How do these rich, powerful lap-of-luxury fucks manage to look tenser and unhappier than missing-leg guy and his wife?
As we move one step forward to Gilead.
It is not hard! He could have just said “My prayers are with the family in these difficult times.” or “I hope Erin has finally found the peace in death she didn’t get in life.” or some other hallmark card sentimentality.
Trump has done fuck-all at the V.A. If he had, he’d be shouting from the rooftops instead of handing reporters a map of an election he won six fucking months ago.