And whatever happened to “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me”?
And whatever happened to “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me”?
His use of a word with a very definite history of ethnically pejorative usage doesn’t get excused just because he “arbitrarily assigned” a personal connotation to it. He’s not a goddamn poet, no one cares about his actual meaning/intent behind using that word, lol.
What are you talking about? He’s not facing criminal charges or any legal ramifications from this.
+1,000,000 for the Keeping Up Appearances reference.
Oh calm down, cupcake.
This isn’t getting enough love.
Holy shit, I think I dated that same guy.
You are a wise and compassionate person. I’m hoping that my anger at Trump voters will morph into something more productive...
I’m not...buuuuut I also have gap teeth, so.
Yeah, when I was a teenager/early twenty-something I think I always subconsciously dreaded that stage of my life being over- luckily, “not giving a fuck” is a hidden benefit of ageing.
I think this would be a fruitful area for season 2 to explore, if there is one...
Are you talking about human nature or the public’s “right” to know about celebrities, though? Because while clearly we (generally speaking) are nosy creatures, I don’t think that gives us any sort of “right” to know personal details.
Willful obtuseness is their tell :)
I agree with you re: Weiner, but the whole “chick-lit” thing seems like it might be bleeding out to the way people perceive different sorts of female writers. A few years ago we were discussing this in a lit. class, and the professor brought up the cover-art on different editions of The Bell Jar. The second one…
I believe Sanders was still in the race (if only nominally) at the time of the study; that may be why Clinton is not specifically mentioned, though I’m not sure. Party affiliation is mentioned in order to break down the stats of the general public, like so:
Well, it’s about all potential American voters, including Trump supporters (they are specifically identified several times in the study).
Khan is directly referencing this article:…