Go Hawkeyes

Lot’s of people with less car driving savvy would probably only get themselves hurt doing this or further endanger the other driver and others on the road. The decision to help is often clouded by the simple and sane logic that one can’t. The sad reality is lot’s of people have been hurt by others just wanting to help.

Well, no, the way I see it, anybody who wouldn’t sacrifice their car, no matter how expensive, to potentially save the life of an actual human being, is a complete monster.

Those look like they belong on a Chevrolet Lumina APV.

Nah, he just wanted to extract that extra bit of kinetic energy via regenerative braking while Passat owner couldn’t see it and help VW restore some of that air it polluted over the years. That’s an extra 0.62 Euros he recovered right there.

Nice try but:

Front end was contained and yet the back still went for the nearest grouping of bystanders

I want to take this same logic and apply it mundane shit.

No, I do get to judge what SNAP people buy without judging what others buy because I am paying for the SNAP items. What you buy with your money is your business. What you buy with mine is my business. You may argue that SNAP recipients’ choices are limited or that the cheapest items are not the healthiest, but you

The more they can charge, the larger the tax credit for business owners.

And on top of that, it’s just not impressive. I mean, think of the weight savings this kid has.

If you can afford a Tesla, you can afford to buy a Chinese baby. Kidnapping not needed.

Thats alot of money to spend to ensure the public knows about a car that wont be anywhere but the dealers service center.

This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.

I am about as liberal as they come, i will never support forcing someone to join a union and pay dues instead of negotiating their own deal.

I always get French onion soup if it’s on the menu. I’ve been disappointed less times than i expected to be.

You people that do shit outside are out of your minds.

Or better yet, let’s pre-empt a good number of abortions altogether and make birth control accessible instead.

And of those, how many were due to the fetus being incompatible with life (aka too severely malformed to live) and/or endangering the life of the woman carrying it? Hint: The vast majority of late term procedures are on women who wanted to be pregnant but it was a medical necessity to terminate.

There arent many studies as to why abortions are done late term. One study back in 13 stated that those who did have them late term were very young and had financial issues or logistical problems such as accessibility to an abortion provider. So a good way to get that number down below 1% is to make it more accessible

A life hack I can use!