Go Hawkeyes

Another Protip:  When you see a Tesla going downhill, ram them in the ass and keep your brodozer on their bumper to help them regen more energy through braking.

It’s even worse here in Missouri. Year after year the rate of deaths due to not wearing a seatbelt are greater than 65% of all traffic fatalities. In NW Missouri it’s particularly bad. There have been less than 10 days so far this year without a seatbeltless fatality.  I comment on every newspaper Facebook post about

That a white man can fire 40 shots in a grocery store and hit 10 people, 8 of whom are black, and the police will in turn not murder him and instead will talk him out of shooting himself.

Oh I bet it’s not as much wider an audience than you think.

OK lets assume it’s onlt 25k drivers.  That’s still only $576 per driver.  Still cheaper than having them be actual employees.  Like I said, I don’t agree with it, but it’s a smart business move.

A quick Google search gives me a site saying there are about 210k Uber/Lyft drivers in Massachusetts. $14.4M/210k=$68 and some change. So roughly $70/driver. Not saying what they did is right (or that my quick Google search and back-of-the-napkin math is correct) but that seems far cheaper than actually having to

“Rich Guy Continues to Get Richer”, news at 11

Came to say the same thing.

In all seriousness, ivermectin would likely have a much better chance of treating this than it does COVID.

I really dislike not being able to pick out my seat in advance.  And Southwest doesn’t have first class.

I wish!  Unfortunately I need quite a few more promotions to get use of the corporate jets.

I typically fly business/firstso that’s the main reason I don’t like those airlines.  Thankfully I’ve mostly avoided Asia so no Shenzhen for me.

Since my income relies on me being able to fly all over the world regularly to get to customer locations I vote no on letting them die. I will, however, vote for certain airlines to die such as Southwest and Ryanair.

yes of course

yeah my comment was a joke

Just another tracking chip.  Isn’t the one in the vaccine enough?

I always part ways with my vehicles by giving them to one of my kids.  And that usually happens when the one they have is driven into the ground.  Or into the back of another vehicle.  Damn kids.

Dude, haven’t you ever watched FBI International?

LOL not anymore.  I moved on from that company and changed job functions about 13 years ago.

They used to be quite prevalent in the US but pulled out over a decade ago. You can no longer ship from the US with DHL but they still offer delivery services for packages originating elsewhere in the world. They used to have their own airfield in Willmington, OH and it was quite the operation. I got to tour it a