Go Hawkeyes

jelly bro?

I invented something long ago to solve this issue called not placing the bag on the floor.

I used to work for the, at the time, largest manufacturer of ketamine for veterinary use. I was the Controlled Substance Compliance officer and part of my job entailed monitoring the sale and distribution of our controlled substances. Ketamine was a pain my ass and lead to the development of an entire diversion

I think it’s time they start serving alcohol again to the lower classes so they don’t have to get all liquored up before the flight. Thankfully they never stopped serving it in first class or I’d probably be one of these idiots doing stupid shit like this.

Way to bury the lede.  LAPD officers accomplished the feat of not shooting an unarmed person of color for a day.

100% Grade A Torch.

Glad I’m not the only one who noticed that.

You on the other hand get no bonus because you wasted a few bytes by double posting.

Once again Torch has ruined made my lunchtime better with an amazing article.

Sounds like meth mouth with a breath mint.

Great, now make one in a midsized pickup with a few creature comforts but not lavish and I’ll buy one.  I drive maybe 4500 miles a year at most and like to have a truck for when I need to run to Home Depot for house stuff.  A small electric truck would be perfect for me.

Shit, who’s to say he didn’t already have those clearances and permits?  C’mon internet, do some digging!

My German colleagues were complaining about the increased prices of fuel in Germany over the past year.  It’s amazing how Biden’s policies also impact the prices of fuel in another country half way around the world!  It’s almost like the higher gas prices have nothing to do with Biden and everything to do with a heavy

The vast majority of the huge markup is because of the PBM, not the pharma company itself.  That middleman makes a shit load of money.

Anyone else cool enough to be invited is already throwing their own disco party in their own private jet.

As a very low level just barely millionaire trying to grow my wealth, hell yeah I’m jealous.

$500 discount when prices are already thousands up due to market demand and limited inventory? Hard pass.

How he gets away with blatant stock manipulation is crazy. Only the rich area allowed to do it I guess. Any mere millionaire tries to manipulate stock and the SEC is on their ass like a fat chick on cake.

I wouldn’t be surprised if before too long we start seeing bullshit regulatory recovery fees added below the line.

I used to put around 150 miles a day on my daily. But now that I’m 100% work from home permanently I’m lucky to put 150 miles on in a month.