Go Hawkeyes

Hipster homeless have no homes but gotta have that french press!

Breaking:  ISS Crew to sit out remainder of Olympics due to the twisties.

I’ve never been able to successfully order more than 2.

dude, i’m worth $2M on paper too and I’m broke as fuck.  nothing to brag about.

Well that’s my point.  I’m not really fine with it because none of these requirements will be met.  Well at least not the first 2.

My local safety council that goes into the high schools to talk about safe driving doesn’t even do a drunk driving scenario anymore. They’ve replaced it with a distracted driving scenario. So instead of acting out a drunk driving crash scene with emergency response and what not, they act out a person texting and

But hardware as a service is what they really want.  This is just step one in getting the consumer used to it.

No kidding. How about actually make those 16 year olds they hire to stand around the cash registers work instead of stare at their phones their entire shift.

I’m fine with it as long as:

I bought a ‘93 Mustang GT Convertible with only 12k miles on it in April. And a 2017 Tacoma TRD Sport in May.  Been wrenching on both since.

Next step, you don’t own the tool.  You only purchased a 1 year subscription to use it.

Why the hell was the kid riding his bike in front of a cop car with it’s lights on?

I’d put MAGA more in line with the Nazis honestly.

I’m all for this kind of tech.  Renewable energy is where it’s at.  But the talking point by Trumplicans is always the CO2 footprint needed to build out renewable energy and how it supposedly takes more CO2 footprint to build a wind turbine that it’ll ever offset in it’s lifetime.  I’m wondering what the CO2 footprint

Extremely disappointed at the lack of slideshowness exhibited with this article.·

It’s all part of the elaborate scheme for Putin to install Trump as Supreme Leader of the US on August 13th.

As a currently Missouri resident I couldn’t agree more.  I’m surprised we’re over 40% for the state.  My county is still under 20%.

I do believe you mean years, not months.

yes, fixed task bar location is a no go for me for my work laptop.  i prefer right side.  when you have dozens of applications open at once it’s easier to see them when the task bar is verticle.

What would be even cooler is if kids just did nice things for others without the need to brag about it on social media.  now get off my lawn.