Go Hawkeyes

I want my chair dammit


This appears to just be a grass field so no harm?

Neutral: Time to find a good mutual company instead of one of the major auto insurers. I’ve used various mutual companies for years and have found that dealing with claims is a breeze compared to when I used Geico and Progressive.

My county in Missouri is only at 19%. my employer hasn’t stopped requiring masks on site, even for fully vaccinated people. Thankfully I already worked from home before this mess started.

I cross shopped the Stinger with the Buick Regal GS.  Kia dealer was a dick.  Buick dealer was amazing.  I bought the Buick.

Every shift isn’t about EVs for a change?!?

It’s not the weather that’s at issue.  It’s the population congestion and all the infrastructure that goes along with it that absorbs heat.  Green farm land doesn’t absorb as much heat as a brick building and an asphalt road does.  So of course the areas where white non-poors typically live, the burbs, are a few

I think it just shows where the highest population density is at. Which is, you know, where the poors and minorities live.

Fake cat account > Trump account any day.

I call bullshit.  No way a Dodge of that era was going 15mph reliably.

I predict it will be combined with the annual flu shot before too long.

I’m normally supportive of the pharmaceutical company stand point on several issues because my substantially large paychecks come from a big pharma company. But in this case I can’t help but feel like there is collusion at play here and some FDA pockets got secretly greased to approve this extremely expensive

Before I got Lasik I just used my shirt!

First world problems.

Like those idiots are even vaccinated to begin with.

Reminds me of my yearbook covers of the era.

Ford definitely did a much better job in 1994 with the Mustang Indy Pace Car edition.

you must be a communist!

Good boi puppies rejoice!