Go Hawkeyes

As an owner of a 2.5L manual Ranger myself, I can tell you that those hood pins are absolutely necessary to keep the hood from flying off at the absolutely blazing fast top speed of 80mph these things have, on a good day. That is, if you have the spare 15 minutes it takes to get up to that speed.

Every company has profitability targets.  The goal of every for profit company is to make a profit for the owners.  The goal is never to make employees wealthy.  It has always been that way.

Don’t forget that Uber exists because the taxi companies failed to innovate.

Everyone who’s been a driver knows that it’s Lyft that the healthcare industry relies on to ship patients home from the hospital.

At least going back to cable TV will free up some of my bandwidth.

YouTube TV is starting to not be worth it anymore.  Might need to cut the streaming cord and move on to something else.

Never buy jack stands from Harbor Freight.

Someone in my town needs to learn this. He keeps ordering parts for his build from Advance Autoparts and needs to have them delivered because he must not have another vehicle to go get them himself. So Advance queues up the Roadie app and I jump on their generous delivery fees. Quick and easy money in my pocket.  I’ve

I’m guessing a Progressive commercial.

Fixed it for you.

Glad I saw this. I’m only an occasional poster on Oppo but happy I won’t be left out in the cold.

Depends on the dose size I guess. We ship millions of doses but the majority would be poultry which is a very small volume per dose. I imagine any COVID vaccine in any form would be in single dose vials so that is likely a key challenge to the supply chain. These animal vaccines are typically ranging from 50-10000

Wasn’t COVID supposed to magically disappear after the election? At least that is the bullshit half my Facebook feed kept spouting for months.

Rurality (is that a word?) doesn’t matter.  The pharma company I work for ships animal vaccines to farms in liquid nitrogen on the regular.  The infrastructure to do so is already there.

I say fuck it, lower it to 10ft.  Cause even more carnage.

Let those idiots get sick and die off.

I thought COVID went away after the election?

I live in such a lovely backwards state full of idiots.  At least I’m on the other side of the state from these clowns.

Came to make the same comment.