Go Hawkeyes

It’ll all go away after the election.”

Poor baby, destined to ride on the hump.  I know the feeling.

CP simply because I always hated that body style. Give me a fox body or a SN95 if I gotta take an older stang.  New Edge sucks.

Makes sense.  They want you to stay on Google and see their ads.  Not click to another site and see theirs.

Says books in multiple languages but I can only get it in English? I’m learning German so this would be good practice to take a book I’ve read already, such as 1984, and type it out in German. But I don’t see the option to change the language.

The year 2000 is peeking around the corner.

That’s the operating model for all publicly traded companies.  Extreme shortsightedness.

I can’t stand Trump but I cringe at the thought of voting for Biden (although I’ll do it to get rid of Trump). Why can’t we have an actual candidate worth voting for?

My cousin restored a LUV in high school in the early 90's. I was so jealous of the truck. He still has it but it could use a new restoration because it’s sat parked for at least 20 years now.

This guarantees to be a shit-show regardless of who you root for and regardless of who does better.  I’m going to watch for the entertainment factor only.

I keep watching.  I hate it but I can’t stop.  It’s like scratching an itch until it’s turned into a puss filled festering infection hole and then continuing to scratch some more.  I can’t wait for it to end.

I, for one, welcome our new salty Martian microbial overlords.

I kinda dig that Futurist.

I think I found the car I’m going to buy when I move to Germany next year.

In the long run yeah. But the uber rich don’t think like that.

Just roll NASA into the Space Force.  It’ll get all sorts of funding then.

It wouldn’t even be the smallest line item.  That honor would go to the amount that actually gets funneled down to the people in need.  The largest line items of course would go to major corporations.

But the rich are immune.  They have the money to protect themselves.  We don’t, but they don’t care shit about us.

Neutral: That drive through Kansas is horrible. But there are a couple good breweries you can stop at along the way.

This is why I’ve returned to pirating.  Well, this, plus I’m a cheap ass.