Go Hawkeyes

Don’t worry. Bloggers don’t get paid much. They’re right up there with the $15/hr fast food protesters.

Nothing is “hidden” in the fine print. People just stupidly choose to not read the fine print before signing their name. You choose not to read it that’s your problem. The only reason the print is “fine” is because it’s long and the smaller the font the less paper it’s going to take up.

In most cases they do inform the customer. It’s just the shady dealers who don’t.

So I didn’t read the entire article so maybe you mention it, but buyer beware of dealers who have their own CPO program. There are a few dealers near me that have Certified on nearly every fucking car on the lot and not a single one of them is a factory CPO. Tom, maybe do an article about that practice and generally

I honestly thought the 50 cal jeep scene was taken from a Connery era Bond movie.

The more Trendacosta hates on this show the more I like it.

This is the one part of the ACA that I never cared for. Why does it have to be 100% covered by your employer? Sure, make all employer’s provide insurance to cover it. But it should carry the same out of pocket copay/coinsurance that any other prescription medication has.

It’s the same reason almost every insurance company covers the costs of bariatric surgery now too. Sure it’s expensive but in the long run it’s much cheaper than the extreme negative health effects of being obese.

Splitting equally? Is this an episode of Seinfeld?

No they don’t. But that is what they want the public to believe.

Why does it still amaze me that people fall for the money scams? I really want to believe that people aren’t that stupid. The only sad thing about those stories is there are people that unintelligent walking around with the rest of us.

Boy, do I have the book for you:

Correct. He’s not been charged with a crime. But people talk like he’s the devil and is guilty already.

Don’t read this article if you haven’t watched the entire season.

I haven’t seen where he has admitted to it. He’s stated that if it did happen he’s sorry and that there is no excuse. Even then, a public admission of guilt is still not how our court system works. A person is not guilty until they plead so in front of a judge or a jury of their peers finds them guilty.

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Sympathy from an Iowa fan.

I agree with what you’re saying. Basically the only way to solve this problem is to go to two-hand touch instead of tackle. But that will never happen.

You peasants and your commercial air travel. Learn to fly charter instead.

So they are stuck on the Navy ship until it’s next scheduled port of call? Wonder how long that will be? Them being on that ship will obviously be a very welcome distraction for the lonely sailormen on that ship. The sailorwomen too I guess if there are any on the ship. Them being on that ship, they will be able to