Go Hawkeyes

I’m one of those bootstrapers. I worked full time and raised kids. I did graduate with significant debt though. I took loans to pay for classes and books only, not living expenses. It can be done. It’s hard to do and time spent with your kids is lost and not recoverable. But it can be done. You just have to

What you just stated shows that he/she is wrong. Apple didn’t have the first smartphone. Apple hasn’t invented anything. Everything they have come out with has existed in other forms before. To argue otherwise shows that you have little knowledge of the history of electronics. The only thing Apple has done is

As a long time Royals season ticket holder I feel your pain. Ticket prices skyrocketed over the past few years. Wrigley is a nice park but I’d hardly call it the best stadium. I love the history of the place but its kinda dumpy and crowded and small. Come to KC and check out Kaufman. It’s an amazing park.

Royals have the tailgating down. I’m a full season ticket holder and go to about 30 of the 81 games each year. I pay for the premium parking pass for the season but even regular parking is only $15 a game and the tailgating is good throughout the parking lot.

No they don’t. Quit trying to troll.

No. I’m totally with you. Also, if this is your sole source of income then why would you have a $1000 mortgage? I drive for Uber about once or twice a month. I don’t do it to earn a living. I don’t do it to even earn some spending money. I do it for fun. I live in a fairly small city. I usually only drive on a

Nick, thank you for writing this. I may be a simple white boy, but my wife and children are Native so I’ve come to respect the calls to rename that Washington team.

I’d be fine with no-haggle if the majority of dealerships weren’t crooks trying to screw you over.

Except they weren’t even the first with a touch screen smart phone either!

I just upgraded my Core 2 Duo that was total awesome sauce 11 years ago when I built the computer. Since the only thing I use a desktop anymore for is paying bills I replaced it with an i3 NUC.

Just because a phone doesn’t sell 30M units doesn’t mean it isn’t a success. Maybe the Pixel only sold 1M units. And maybe that was all Google’s target was. Since they don’t release the numbers there is no way to say for sure.

Your title works for every new smartphone.

Have you tried again? I just successfully ordered another 128Gb XL for my wife with no issues and it says shipping on 2-3 weeks.

If there is a notification light on the Pixel XL 1 then mine has been broke since the day I bought it brand new.

How about the fact that the camera scores considerably higher than the iPhone on the same test that you got so excited about iPhone testing higher than last year’s phones?

Should have ordered sooner. Mine says shipping Oct. 20th.

Honestly my first thought was that is significantly more trash than people just dropping what was in their hands at the time the guy opened fire. Yes, it’s OK to litter when you are trying to save your life instead. But those concert goers were clearly littering well before the shooting started. I really wanted to

It’s only terrorism if the gunman turns out to be of Middle Eastern decent and/or practices Islam.

Look at all the trash on the ground. People make me sick with how lazy they are and how bad they litter. Is it really asking too much to find a trash can on your way to find cover?