Go Hawkeyes

I’d boo too. Take your religious beliefs behind closed doors please. Stop trying to force your deity system on everyone else.

Yes, most people here are broke. They are 20-somethings with liberal arts degrees who work part time at whole foods.

We need something like this for today’s era. I book or listing of places that do shit right and don’t discriminate in any form or any way. Not just against race, but also sex, gender identity, religion or lack there of, age, etc. It’s one thing for a company’s PR department to say they don’t discriminate, but to

I switched to almond milk from cow milk after having a sleeve gastrectomy because I developed a moderate lactose intolerance. I tried several milk alternatives and almond was the one I liked best. I’ve never tried it with cereal; I stopped eating cereal for breakfast about 6 years ago. I do eat instant oatmeal for

Almond milk is really good. If you haven’t tried it you should. Go for the unsweetened variety. A glass goes well with a breakfast of steak and eggs. Or a sausage and bacon skillet.

I was with you on the milk alternatives. Almond milk is awesome. But fuck the less meat eating.

It can be done. Not nicely, but it can be done.

They aren’t all bad. Mine is great. Dues are only $65 a year! That covers maintenance of all of the public flowerbeds in the cul-de-sacs and at all the entrances. Restrictions are reasonable too. You only have 48 hours or less to park your RV or boat in your driveway. Any longer and you need to either fit it in

What to you expect when people insist on forcing their own religious beliefs on others?

Yeah, unfortunately I’m sure if this were in the US he’d be cleared of the rape but still found guilty of resisting arrest and what not and put in jail. Maybe Taiwan is progressive enough to realize when the system fucked up and just cut the man some slack.

Great article. I really wanted to make some sort of snarky remark or victim blame or something just to troll and get a rise out of my fellow knuckle-dragging Gizmodo commentariat. But this article is too good for that.

Promo code isn’t working.

Promo code isn’t working.

Just asked the DA. Having a clean record helps.

There is an even higher version for $150 with even more VC. I bought it for my son. I was going to just get the plain $60 version but figured for all the extras it was worth it because I’d end up paying even more for those in the long run. Spoiled brat. But he’s a straight A student and stays out of trouble.

Basically same thing you would say to them if you went to the court date and asked to speak with them before seeing the judge. You admit that you were speeding, point out your heretofore clean driving record and your status as an outstanding member of the community (and by that I just mean a typical law abiding, tax

I’m that guy that passes the cops on the highway even if they are speeding 5 over. I regularly drive 10-15 over if the conditions are good and there isn’t significant traffic. I’ve watched several people slow down and fall in behind a cop on the highway. I just go by. I’ve been pulled over 3 times for it and got a

Or get this one for half the price and not with the Gizmodo kickback markup.

Or get this one for half the price and not with the Gizmodo kickback markup.

Maybe carrying costs are a determining factor in the optimum order quantity of 500 rather than 5000? As a supply chain manager I deal with accountants all the time who like to point out how cheap we can get our doohickies if we buy obscene quantities at a time. But they never consider the storage and opportunity

A terabyte a month? Yeah right. Like Verizon’s network is fast enough for that much throughput.