Go Hawkeyes

You shouldn’t do that either. Never look directly at the sun. In fact, take your eclipse glasses out again tomorrow and look at the sun again. It’s pretty damn cool looking.

I wouldn’t say it’s the most impressive thing ANY president has done. Surely the most impressive thing the current president has done though.

Or use them to look at the sun tomorrow. I’ve been using mine to check out the sun every so often for the past few months. The sun is pretty amazing to look at.

My Pixel XL already has it. Got the OTA before it was pulled and it installed on the first try.

Roady McRoadface obvs

Was he laid up in his sisters bed or something?

Slow news day + requirement for certain number of published articles/words/whateverthemeasureis = quickly crapped out content like this.

Gets me every fucking time! Love it.

I just one-up this all by not even locking my doors.

I am a huge cat lover. But I want to adopt this cat and have it publicly euthanized. Because I’m an even bigger Royals fan.

I live in the path of totality. There is an estimated half a million people coming to my small city of 80k. I won’t be leaving my driveway.

You can get GPS pet trackers that are battery powered and cellular connected. I don’t know the costs nor size of the trackers though. A coworker has them on his dogs though because they regularly get out of his fence. He’s showed me the app on his phone showing the real-time location of his dogs. Kinda cool

You can get GPS pet trackers that are battery powered and cellular connected. I don’t know the costs nor size of

I didn’t read the book or the BI article. I read this article. And this article is what I was referring to.

I have a few Movado watches collecting dust. I’ll stick with my Moto 360 gen 2 that I refuse to update to Android Wear 2.0 though.

So not returning to the job is not the same as declining? Because I’m pretty sure every job I’ve ever had would not continue be available to me if I decided to just stop coming in.

Well considering she didn’t apparently do anything to show she added the necessary value to the company to justify the raise, it would be a handout. That’s how pay for employment works. It’s not some arbitrary value pulled out of thin air. A company is going to pay you a certain percentage less than what value they

Hey get out of here with that logic! This is a Gizmodo blog (or whatever the fuck Gawker is called now), where everyone deserves a handout.

He didn’t fire her. He offered her another position because her current position wasn’t of value. She declined it. It says so right there in the article. Did you read it?

You don’t become a billionaire by handing over lots of money to every person that asks.

Why keep the jack an inch down and not up against the jack point? I’d think it would be better to keep it up there with a bit of pressure off rather than sitting an inch down. Easier to fail with the car falling an inch before hitting it.