Go Hawkeyes

My daughter is 18. Recently her longtime (4 years) boyfriend moved in with us because he didn’t have the best of options at home. We can provide him a comfortable home while they both start college in the fall. Anyway, what happens in their bedroom is their business. I’d be an idiot to think nothing happens. I’ve

It’s common courtesy to tip service workers, especially when they do an exceptional job. Service workers who perform a job you could easily do yourself but choose not to deserve to be tipped. Considering I received a 5 star rating from each person I transported I’d say they were happy with the service I provided

You’re an idiot if you think that is how RFID works.

Regulations for taxis has nothing to do with people being assholes. That’s still going to happen no matter what.

You know it’s funny you say that. I used to have the same exact opinion. But then I decided what the hell, I’ll try being an Uber driver for shits and giggles. I went through the process of becoming a driver and then last week turned on the app for a night. I gave 13 rides and quit. People are fucking assholes

Well it certainly doesn’t work for every degree option. I did business management. And I’m working on an MBA and Masters in Information Management right now but only part time because it requires in person classes in the evenings. And I waited till my kids were grown to start it.

That’s just good advice to follow 24/7, regardless of where you are at. Not only does it help keep you safe, it saves some precious battery power on your mobile devices to have those radios turned off when not in use.

Cuts in Pell Grants and subsidized loans does suck and I hope it doesn’t get passed. But that doesn’t reduce the total amount of loans available. You just have to live with unsubsidized.

Raised 3 kids actually. Classes were online through a local state university. The 8 week session classes I did 2 at a time; that is full time. The 16 week session classes I did 3 at a time, not quite full time.

Online classes through a local state university. Did the classwork late at night.

Nobody said anything about trying to live off of the student loans. You use those to pay for the education only. You work a job to pay your bills. Full time school, full time work (with overtime), and raising kids all at once can be done. It’s not the easiest thing to do. But it’s what you have to do when you make

Yeah I had to work full time, often over 50 hours a week, to be able to do it.

100% financed with public and private student loans. That I’m still paying on; although I’ll finally have them paid off next year.

That’s a bunch of bullshit. Trump only proposed a budget, it hasn’t been put in place. There have been no cuts to student loans. And Trump’s plan only changes repayment and forgiveness options, not the availability of the loans themselves.

Student loans are a thing. I financed 100% of my education while working full time. No need to take time off of work to study. You do your studying at night after the kids are in bed. It’s not fun, but it can be done. Even if they had the 3 kids when the cost of living was different, they were being irresponsible

Believe it or not there are plenty of auto shops not tied to dealerships. They are often cheaper and provide better work too. As for warranty type work, Tesla doesn’t have traditional dealerships and they still offer a way to get the repairs done.

But as I’ve pointed out in other posts the only thing this contains is a unique identifier that is useless unless you also have access to the database at your employer that can tie that identifier directly back to you. And also, even if a 3rd party reads it, them collecting that code is no different than what they

Great article. I’ve heard of sales reps in my company being fired when found to have these devices. They don’t like the idea of a GPS tracker in their company provided vehicles that they are only supposed to use for work purposes. When they often fail to understand is that the data collected by the trackers are

Yeah if that is the case that it’s that big then I’d let it slide. He’s obviously deserving.

Absolutely, yes!