Go Hawkeyes

I see your point about other companies setting up readers that capture your data, but that data point is just a meaningless unique identifier that means basically nothing without access to the database that ties that code with your actual identity. And it’s also no different than what companies already do by reading

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This should be mandatory and automatically included in any article about vaccines:

That was my thought as well when I read the headline. The shit is meant to be injected a few mL at a time. Not swam in.

I couldn’t afford the education either. That is why there is such a thing as student loans. I also thought I didn’t have the opportunity since I was raising a family and working 50+ hours a week. But then I realized missing out on a little bit of sleep wasn’t going to kill me and it would be worth it in the long

The same number that also grabbed that door handle you just pulled.

I’d love something like that but I have to have my badge visible on my body at all times while on campus.

I missed the part where these are permanent and never will be possible to remove? Also, the info on the chip is just a unique identifier that is useless unless you also have access to the database that ties that identifier to me and my info.

Pretty much yes because I often have to show up at work on a moment’s notice.

Exactly this. Even super large RFID readers, such as the 2ft by 2ft sized readers at the parking lot gates, you need to be within a few feet for it to pick up anything. And even then the only thing transmitted is a unique code that is meaningless unless you have access to the database that ties that code to me.

And nobody told them to forego an education and be able to only get jobs as cafeteria workers either. I did shit work like that at one time. And tried to raise kids on the shit pay. I didn’t like it. So I got myself and education and worked my ass off to make a comfortable living.

I should add that a downside I would see though is it probably hurts a bit to get it injected. And it would make it more difficult to identify people than the use of the badges. It’s nice to see names of people on badges as well as color coding of badges based on level of access on a campus of a few thousand people.

This is really no different than carrying around an RFID badge for work. My employer already knows when and where I go because every single door requires a badge swipe to go in or out. As do the barricades and turnstiles in the parking lots. It would actually be easier to have it implanted in my hand. Then I don’t

Am I the only one that wants wipers on every window? Not just the front and back, but the sides as well.

And that is why the dealer model needs to just die already.

In before the bullshit that the flu shot gave you flu. And Autism.

You’re delusional if you don’t think that he is the only politician to do this. Abusing the office is SOP for pretty much every single political figure, regardless of party affiliation.

Proteins on the back of the eye huh? I always thought they were the little alien worm overlords who speak with me telepathically and tell me to post stupid shit in the comments on Gizmodo articles.

Well the bad guy here is the people who are suing just to make a quick buck. There are better ways to go about it. Unless they have tried the better ways and Uber told them to go fuck themselves that is.

I 100% agree with you. But it also seems like common sense now that Uber and Lyft would have an option in the app to hail a disability friendly ride. Sounds like an opportunity for them and the people who have the vehicles. Just like requesting a black car it should be an option that costs more to reward the

I just had Lasik done last week. Still can’t figure out why the hell I waited so damn long. I love it.