Go Hawkeyes

Fuck that. Just get Lasik. I just had it done last week and am wondering why I waited so damn long.

Your reporting is no better than theirs. Let’s stick to the facts. Unless you have first hand knowledge and can prove that 1) there is such a thing as an afterlife, and 2) he is in fact in hell. Otherwise, it’s best to leave your personal belief systems out of an otherwise good article reporting on the hypocrisy of

When dealership and salesperson SOP started being to try and treat all customers as idiots and screw them out of every possible penny instead of treating starting with a fair and transparent deal then yes.

I would have a hard time believing she is a virgin.

I have no problem with Zuck’s travels. If I was a multi-billionaire I’d do the same thing. Think about it. You’d probably too get tired of jet setting in the lavish lifestyle and would occasionally want to go pretend to be a pleb. Think of the stories you’d be able to tell to all the other rich old white men at

That’s a sweet tractor though. Wish mine looked that nice. Mine’s a little rusty and dented with a belly mower on it though and is used weekly. Well, when it still wants to start that is.

I figured that was everywhere. It’s been that way in every state I’ve lived in.

Got a truck in Missouri? No need for a rear plate, only a front. Leave it to Missouri to fuck that one up.

I thought that too when I was a young democrat. But then I aged and realized that not everyone needs a handout.

Honestly the 50% off the 23andMe kits last night were a great deal. I ordered 2 even though I’ve already done the Ancestry test.

What if the trade in is valued at about $6k? How does that work with a lease? I’ve never leased before and I actually started considering leasing one of these a few weeks ago.

If I have a non-FCA vehicle at home but want to trade in an FCA vehicle would I still qualify for the Conquest Cash?

So when you point that out do you mean that it’s set to a point that you won’t actually be able to negotiate in real life? Or will they actually use such a high residual? Because I’m actually considering leasing one of these, even before I saw this article.

You essentially downplayed the idea of violence against men when you went out of your way to qualify this as violence against a woman. I’m just overly reading into it as you have. As others have pointed out, domestic dispute is the terminology that police use for violence in the home, regardless of severity.

Please don’t downplay acts of violence as only being committed by men. This very well could have started with the woman assaulting the man and him attempting to protect himself.

I bought a ‘94 Cobra new and was amazed at it’s 240hp. lol

Didn’t your parents every say to you, “Do as I say, not as I do.”? Well, it’s the same thing here.

I’m headed out to Colorado next weekend and will be going to Pikes Peak. I’ll see how fast I can do it in my SUV. I’m guessing slightly slower than these guys.

Don’t be a meany and lock cuddlefluff outside your room. Let her give you shnugglins all night.

Director of Supply Chain for a global pharma company. Took hard work and an education to get here. More people should try it.