Go Hawkeyes

We have the same job!

But minimum wage jobs shouldn’t be something you do for a living. Or if that is all you can do you should refrain from having kids. People need to think before they procreate. It’s isn’t cheap.

Well I was going off of today’s dollar.

I made $4.75 in high school in the 90's. Even the part time jobs I worked in college paid more than minimum. And once I finished my degree I started a real job at $55k. Now with an MBA and several years experience I make $150k. Good thing too because I wracked up a shit load of student loan debt to get the

When I lived in Iowa, and it may still be this way I don’t know, 89 octane was actually a few cents cheaper per gallon because of less state taxes. So that is what everyone bought.

Even at $9/hr that’s pretty good for a high school part time job. Oh, you want to live off of minimum wage? Hahaha. You’re funny. Try at least learning a trade and getting a real job instead.

Millions of Americans have already perfected the zero hour work week.

The big kitty kitty just needs some pets and ear scratches. Maybe some belly rubs and some shnugglupens to go with it.

You laugh about rocket mortgages but on a whim I did that last year when shopping to refi my already low 3.125 rate and Quicken beat my bank at 2.65 vs 2.75 for 15 year fixed. And the kicker? After closing they sold the loan. To a bank. Not just any bank either. The bank that I was going to refi through to begin

I got a cousin who is a cop. He’s pretty lenient when it comes to speed. If you’re being an ass or unsafe he’ll pull you over. But if you’re driving to the conditions he lets it slide. He also pulls people over for flicking cig butts out and writes them littering tickets. He says he writes about 4 of those a day.

Well you absolutely suck at the data guessing game that’s for sure. Personally I don’t give a shit about the companies collecting my data. I’ve given Google access to practically everything and it makes their services so much better. And considering I work with big data every day in my job, I love the field and

OK I’m not a wrestling fan but I catch it on TV every once in a while and take my son to whenever they are in town. So I don’t know what happened with Chris Benoit. So this article seems to have ended way prematurely. Great article nonetheless.

I’m a Royals and Chiefs season ticket holder. I may be moving to Atlanta within the next year. Wife and I have discussed the possibility of getting Falcons and Braves tickets even though we don’t see ourselves becoming fans. It’s just a love of going to the games.

What’s the profit that you speak of? I’m a Royals and Chiefs season ticket holder and have yet to turn a profit. Even when the Royals went to back to back World Series. Oh, I guess it would help if I sold my tickets though instead of attending every game.

Well, I HAD lost 60lbs this year. Guess that’s over now.

Well, I HAD lost 60lbs this year. Guess that’s over now.

Well the obvious way to fix the problem is not use the internet. You don’t “have” to use it. You choose to. YOU are the product online, not whatever you are looking at.

That’s already done. Insurers pay actuaries lots and lots of money to do that.

You mean it will be available on CBS All Access and your favorite bittorrent tracker. Because I sure as fuck will not be paying extra to watch it. I already pay enough between DirecTV, Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Hulu to keep my family happily TV-comatose.

Headed to Colorado on vacation in a few weeks. Convinced the wife to take in a Rockies game while we are there. It’ll be my 10th MLB park. I can’t wait. One of the nicer parks there is. Although Kauffman will still be my favorite park no matter what.

Let’s ignore the entire global warming causes topic for now. Instead lets theorize at what point does Antarctica warm to the point of being more habitable and what happens when countries decide to ignore previous treaties and start claiming parts of the continent as their own. The resulting rising sea levels will