Go Hawkeyes

No, I don’t use free WiFi either, unless I can’t get a cell signal. Especially with the return of unlimited data plans there is no reason to use free WiFi.

If you plan on going to Kansas City for the eclipse you’ll be disappointed as the city is not within the 100% zone. Do yourself a favor and drive up to St Joseph instead. Tipple Hill Winery would be a good place to go for it, just show up early.

I agree with you to a certain extent. For my height at a healthy BMI I should supposedly be able to weigh 180lbs. I recently had a sleeve gastrectomy at 295lbs. I’m down to 240lbs as of this morning. The doctors have told me that there is just no physical way that I could end up weighing 180lbs. I’d be dead as

That’s all well and good until you are a person who is allergic to DEET.

I’ve got that line about needing all 10's and whatnot every time I’ve bought a new car. If you want all 10's then truly earn it. Wow me.

If my child gets that illness I won’t have to worry about the cost of the drug because 1) I am employed and have excellent insurance, and 2) the drug company I work for likely makes the drug so I’ll get it at no cost anyway.

I don’t know. It’s worked well for the past 241 years.

Yeah this is a horrible fucking idea. But I see it as less of a “we don’t want brown people” tax and more of a “we have plenty of worthless fucks living off of welfare that should maybe do that job you’re coming here for but don’t because we give them no reason to actually work because we just give them welfare

That is the American way. Always has been and always will be. If you don’t think so then you are delusional.

In this country, with a free market economy, yes. That is the case. Same with any other product from a for profit enterprise.

The whole point of this article, and the many others similarly posted here on the subject, is that pharmaceutical companies are somehow evil for taking advantage of the regulatory environment in which they operate to reap as much profit as possible. That is essentially the goal of every for profit industry. Yet

So by your thinking we should be outraged at the ever rising costs of beef, poultry, and pork because of the vast government entities that regulate and support the livestock and feed industries. But yet that outrage doesn’t happen.

You’re the one who is irrationally placing a for profit industry into an ideological charitable place. Pharmaceutical companies are for profit enterprises. No different than smartphone makers or clothing manufacturers. The product is a means to a profit and that is it. Nothing more.

What the product does for you is inconsequential. A for profit business is a for profit business. If you don’t like it go to a communist country.

That’s an even better story.

If it weren’t for the possibility of harming the drivers on the track I’d say push the fucking idiot off the fence into oncoming traffic.

I love how people think that pharmaceutical companies should’t be allowed to profit. Especially when other companies profit just as much if not more. Those clothes you are wearing? Cost pennies to make but you paid handsomely for them. Why aren’t you bitching about that? How about that smartphone in your pocket.

I have a feeling most people using Chrome don’t really give a shit to watch it anyway.

I did 72 months on my last new car purchase. But it was 0%. Not passing up free money like that. Originally had 1.5% for 48 secured from my credit union, but went with the zero percent instead. Probably will pay it off in 48 or less anyway.