
Haribo gummies are crap. All of them. Go Albanese or go home.

K-Mart brand Dave Grohl was there to encourage him.

I can’t wait tilde next time they meet

100% of the fish die after being released.

“You gonna fu*k that thing or what?” - Jim McElwain

Nothing like getting served, pestered by Sherrifs & taken to court over a Will that myself and my sisters are not only 100% excluded from but do not even have any interest in contesting in the first place.

From last week:

This is how legends are made.

Eat a baguette of dicks.

Made from top quality horse labia

Off-topic, but I really, really enjoy how fantastically out of place Popovich looks in the photo up top.

As a former VW owner:

This is an Awesome Show.

Judge is totally out of line and grandstanding. Make a ruling and move along. Strong cleaned up trash at Texas and it looks like he’ll have to do the same at USF. Brown left him nothing at UT and amazingly a school with all that money and notoriety couldn’t find a competent QB.

Folks, this is what happens when you demand Deadspin stick to sports.

Longhorn on Longhorn violence

Hook ‘em Horns

that they're not bigger or claw-ier?