
I know it’s been 5 years. But you need to know those were some solid negotiating ideas. Win/win options. Too bad you weren’t involved in the deal.

“It’s definitely got a face that might turn people off” buddy compared to its stablemates it’s BMW’s fucking Mona Lisa

Adrian van Hooydonk makes Chris Bangle look like Michelangelo

I was planning to sell my manual 135i because I have too many cars. Yesterday, I took it out on a spirited drive in the santa cruz mountains - to pick up 50 lbs of tomatoes - with the kids. One of them threw up. But I had a goddamned blast and changed my mind on the sale.

I have a personal story behind my vote: In 2003 I bought a 1995 volvo 850 turbo with ~120k miles on it for $3,350. Automatic, sedan, black on black.

Soooo.....let’s talk some statistics, since we are tossing them around here:

Still better than Spirit Airlines. 

I like your $4k scale and may be stealing it for future reference. I always looked at track cars with a $10k min. There are plenty of sports cars you can get for under $10k that will be quick enough to run at a track, but they will need work or improvements of some sort until you are inevitably at the $10k mark. I run

Looks like it’s 2015 Cayenne Diesel time for you !

The answer seems obvious, 4Runner.

Pontiac or GTFO :D

Pepperidge Farm remembers 

There are more rich Democrats that are richer than most rich Republicans in Congress.

As the owner of a 2018 Honda Odyssey I find these changes to be.....

It’s a nice price as long as you view it like a membership at an exclusive country club. That is, the $5000 is your initiative fee and you will be billed on a regular basis after that.

I won’t spoil the story for you

I used to go to this place in Atlanta, and if you know it, you know it. It’s called Jack’s Pizza and Wings, right there off Highland. It’s a dive bar that serves pizza and wings, and also super cheap beer. Back in 2009, they were still serving $1 pints of “Old 4th Ward” which I’m pretty sure was just Miller.

So I’m going NP but this is the type of car you don’t go into without:

I’ve heard of active aero but this is ridiculous.

You are a new dad. You won’t be cool for the next 10-15 years. Your life will revolve around the new baby then school/after school stuff. You will have drool stains on you/the car. You new cologne is eau de barf/formula. Cheerios and Goldfish will haunt the interior of whatever you buy. French fries and nuggets will