
It's just irritating to me because I feel almost totally positive that the writers aren't talking in these terms when they're creating this content. The whole specific system of forms feels like something that fans mapped on after the fact to fit what we see rather than anything the creators planned or considered when

After scanning comments sections on a few different reviews, I’ve come to the conclusion that there is nothing more tedious in all of Star Wars fandom than discussion of the numbered lightsaber forms.

I'm honestly not expecting this show to go past four seasons. If we get the usual time jump, the next season will start a little more than a year out from ANH. Also, Dave Filoni stepped down as showrunner earlier this season, and I've heard rumors it was because he's developing a new show set in the sequel trilogy

It's tricky because I feel like Kanan almost certainly has to die by sacrificing himself for Ezra's sake, but if Ezra then immediately dies himself or falls to the dark side that sacrifice will be meaningless. I suppose they could mitigate that nihilistic outcome by having Ezra also sacrifice himself, but we're

And Admiral Raddus in Rogue One.

Those guys were all uniformed Rebel troopers. Doesn't seem like a role they'd waste a quasi-Jedi in.

I lost my virginity to The Boy With The Arab Strap, forever cementing my status as a lily white ineffectual trying-too-hard son of a bitch.

Maybe I'll do a more detailed post later on with all the stuff I watched and read at home, but the main events this weekend were the My Favorite Murder live show on Friday and a 35mm screening of From Russia With Love this afternoon. Really good weekend.

I read somewhere a while ago that this next film will have the same lineup as Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster, so Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, and King Ghidorah. This was about a year ago, though, so I have no idea if it still holds.

Serizawa not having an eyepatch in the last one was such a missed opportunity. It would have been so easy to do and I'd have been delighted.

The bit about coincidence and the man who lost his cufflink in the sea from Laughter in the Dark is one of my favorite paragraphs from anything.

Finished the Dune reread I started last month. Read Universal Harvester, which wasn't Wolf in White Van good, but it was good. Right now I'm on Lincoln in the Bardo, which is just amazing. On the comics side of things, I caught up on the most recent six issues of Saga, continued to read all the Star Wars stuff as it

Well, it looks like it's going to be another one of those days I spend mentally flagellating myself for liking Carnage.

-Seven or eight episodes of The Kids in the Hall, which I only just noticed had been added to SeeSo.
-Resumed my long on-hold Twin Peaks rewatch.
-Hell or High Water last night, which was very good, but I'm not sure about Best Picture. From the bank shootout onward was some of the most well-crafted cinema I've seen in

Jesus, there's a lot more Nazi sympathizers on the AV Club than I would've thought.

My prequel beef is with George and George alone. Hell, I even give Hayden Christensen a pass. The script is a bigger problem than the performances as far as i'm concerned anyway. What I've learned from watching prequel fan edits is that when you cut out a lot of the shittier character stuff, the performances seem to

Anyone else a little uneasy about the way this is referred to as "the DUNE series film project"? I haven't actually read any of the stuff Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson have written since Frank's death, but given my experiences with KJA's Star Wars EU material, I have no trouble believing that his Dune stuff's

I just reread 1984 this week for the first time since high school, and I'd forgotten that it's like 60% fucking.

Heir to the Jedi was already a canon novel two years ago.

I think it's a callback to the early "Revenge of the Jedi" promotional material before the title change.