
This song a great question. The first thing to come to mind is The American Astronaut, but I'm sure I have more.

Capped off a Bond-heavy week with Goldfinger on Thursday. It's great of course, but I still think From Russia With Love is the superior early Bond film and disagree with the legions of fans who put Goldfinger at the top of the list.

James Bond soundtracks.

I never said anything about Cersei one way or the other. I just think that using the dragons in battle is about as heroic as chlorine gas.

I think I'm officially rooting against Dany at this point. There was something that felt really war crime-y about that dragon battle. I'm really uncomfortable with the fact that at the end of the day her power comes 100% from the fact that she's a member of the only family capable of commanding these living weapons of

Just finished Wet Hot and it did not disappoint. Played some Bioshock. Watched Dr. No on Friday. I plan to watch/rewatch all the Bond films along with the rebooted James Bonding podcast, but I wanted to start with a Connery one instead of Brosnan (Myra won the coin toss and chose Goldeneye as the first film they'll

Saw Pokey in Cambridge a few weeks ago and I've got to say, it was a disappointing show. Almost everything he played was from the new record, and none of it had the spark that the older stuff does.

Can't we just ban children from restaurants? I mean, keep some kid-friendly places if you want, I guess. I don't really care.

Bought a used PS4 on Thursday after about fifteen years without a modern system. I've been playing a shit ton of Skyrim and Star Wars: Battlefront. Also picked up The Last Guardian and Battlefield 1, but I haven't really gotten into them yet.

The prequels would have done well to focus on Anakin's latent authoritarian tendencies rather than the love story. It would have made a lot more sense to frame his fall from grace as a logical next step in his ongoing quest for greater control than the lame "he did it to save his wife" thing that we actually got. We

Eh, to everything there is a season. They're different enough that I don't feel any need or desire to choose. Two different writers who scratch two different itches.

It's about as good as a history book with such a broad focus can be. It made me want to track down more specific books about six or seven different things it covered, so I'd say it's a good jumping off point.

This month's big project has been to finally finish Tad Williams's Memory, Sorrow & Thorn so that I can read the first volume of his followup trilogy when it comes out next week without too much lag time. I've been listening to the unabridged audiobook of To Green Angel Tower, parts 1 and 2 at work, and I'm about a

Finished reading American Gods.

Moshe Kasher had the best Game of Thrones political comparison on Lovett or Leave It a couple weeks ago when he pointed out that the White Walkers are global warming.

Big movie weekend:

I'm really interested to see what he does with this. I remember a WTF or Nerdist interview a few years back where he talked about some creepy southern gothic kind of things he started writing in film school. I'll believe he's been thinking about how to do a horror movie for quite a while.

It isn't the kind of viscerally disgusting stuff that the list is made up of, but the first thing to come to my mind when I read the question was the back half of Fleabag. After I figured out where the show was going, I felt physically ill for the last couple episodes.

I love both, I love TFA a bit more, and my quality of life has improved significantly since I realized that I don't actually need to justify that love on the internet.

I'd say Ex Machina is (at least on one level) a deconstruction of the trope.