
I was going to boycott it anyway for appearing to be hacky, saccharine, and cynically manipulative, so cool, I guess.

Started a long overdue Dune reread. Such an incredible book. There's something I would underline on every single page if I were in fact one of those barbarians who write in books.

I tend to groan when I see that an upcoming Rebels episode is going to deal with the Mandalorians; I think they may be the dullest aspect of the current canon. This episode seems to be getting great reviews, though, so hopefully the character stuff is strong enough to outweigh my Mando-fatigue.

Hey, it's the Emperor!

Sat around worrying about Carrie Fisher, mostly. Flying to Italy later today with my folks and sister.

God I hate Mike Love.

Isn't A New Hope already the young Luke Skywalker movie?

The librarian angle is indeed correct (at least as much as it can be; that's how they're portrayed in Lucas's notes but I don't believe they've been introduced officially anywhere), but I seem to remember Lucas shooting down the idea that Yoda is one shortly after that thing came out.

Definitely, or had him phone in from another ship as a hologram.

Pablo Hidalgo confirmed it was Mustafar on twitter. I'm still buzzing about the Whills thing, though. I'm torn between wanting them to explain it further and never mentioning it again.

Just got back from seeing it. I definitely liked it, but I didn’t instantly adore it like I did TFA. I think most of the characters were a good bit weaker (the exception being Chirrut, who is seriously in my top five favorite characters in the entire saga now [I liked Bodhi as well, but it had more to do with the

Paradoxically, I'm more sick of each of these people than I am of the other.

The Clone Wars sort of did the Thing thing with the brain slug arc. I'd love to see them go farther, though.

My hope is that they start another series somewhere far away in the timeline so that more than a few years of Earth time can pass before they inevitably head on to X, XI and XII. I know they didn't buy Lucasfilm to call it quits after six years, but I really think it's important to let the thing breathe for a bit

Now who's going to give me advice on how to deal with the IRS in between classic rock blocks on terrestrial radio?

Worth noting here that there are some really next-level fan edits out there these days (my personal favorites being user Hal9000's versions). They're still not my favorite Star Wars movies by a long shot, but they're vastly more watchable in terms of pacing and the cringe factor. Not a bummer to include in

you know Han and Leia as characters. We see that Han is backsliding and that Leia is still a workaholic. When we finally see what Luke's been up to, it's easy to make the leap that he probably wasn't a great substitute for a father. Hell, Leia explicitly says as much, right after she says Kylo was seduced by Snoke.

Kylo Ren was an impressionable, maladjusted school shooter with largely absent guardians who was easily seduced by Gollum Emperor because he actually paid attention to him. General Babyface is a zealous Hitler youth type who was raised and radicalized in a community that reveres a skewed vision of the history we're

Well I mean, this is the first spinoff. Maybe they'll give him the one that Josh Trank scrubbed out of.

Copy and pasted from a comment I made a few minutes ago, because I'm lazy: