He got a guest staring role in last year’s Watchmen show!
He got a guest staring role in last year’s Watchmen show!
I can’t believe I used to recommend this site to people....
I don’t know, can they sing?
I mean, I get that it’s a Sonic movie and none of this actually matters, but posting clearly false conspiracy videos under the guise of news seems like a slippery slope, especially for a website that posts political stuff through the lens of entertainment...
THANK YOU! There’s plenty of reason to love teachers and hate Disney but you can’t just lie in an article cause you want people to see things your way...
Black Mirror references: A poster on a wall; Quimby warily approaching a pig on the TV; Marge’s disappointed Thanksgiving guests down-rating her immediately on their ubiquitous social media.
SPOILERS: it’s a great show for the rest of the seasons too.
How many times are you gonna post this?
To be fair, “John Oliver mentioned this 4 years ago” is the only connection this story has to pop-culture anyway...
I think the idea was that there were 2 people David conflated when the Shadow King took over Lenny. There was a guy name Benny - who may or may not have been a Farouk construct- who David hung out with before Clockworks. Then, when David gets to Clockworks, he befriends Lenny, who dies in the pilot and becomes a part…
I haven’t seen Man in the High Castle, but it’s safe to say it’s *anti*-nazi, right? Doesn’t it make sense that given the current political climate that we would have a trend of shows that explore things like racism, facism, white supremacy, etc only to denounce them?
Do they include Disqus?
I think they already did
EDIT: Commented on the wrong thing and I guess Kinja doesn’t let you delete comments...?
Eh, I haven’t watched it yet but I hear it fixes some of the problems with the first half of the episodes. Would’ve been nice to have somewhere to discuss it...
So are you guys just not gonna finish Arrested Development...?
Is there a source on this? Closest thing I can find is a tweet from Tom Arnold...