
I think this is the most 2018 headline I’ve seen so far.

I’m confused what’s going on here, why does this article not have a headline?

Ah, I never go directly to now since the site’s such a hassle to navigate.  Must’ve missed this, thanks!

Wait, what happened to O’Neal?

I noticed the other day that still uses Disqus.  Are they any good?  Maybe we can migrate there?

I don’t get why you guys are pushing so much of the pop culture news of the day into one article? Isn’t this a pop-culture website?

With it, the rest of the movie also doesn’t make any sense

Can’t say this was my favorite episode ever but some of the animation was top notch

Oh awesome! Didn’t realize I could just bypass AVClub altogether and go to disqus. Thanks!

I don’t come here much anymore but have you guys said anything about importing the rest of the Disqus comments? I’m watching The Leftovers for the first time and I was really hoping to see the discussion...

So you watched one thing they produced and decided everything they direct and write must be terrible because of it?

Finally, something we can all agree on

Anyone else notice this is filed under Great Job Internet! Are GJI’s just part of newswire now?

Counterpoint: No I don’t.

You know, AVClub turned into a Game of Thrones blog so gradually, I didn’t even notice.

Now, I don’t run a popular* website, but I feel like you probably shouldn’t put spoilers in the review title...

I can’t tell if it worked or not. I got my picture back and that’s about it.

Can we assume something terrible has happened?

Can we assume something terrible has happened?