In 1994, that would have been me. But I'd have been wearing my No Control shirt, so I would have been much cooler than them.
In 1994, that would have been me. But I'd have been wearing my No Control shirt, so I would have been much cooler than them.
"Leonard Pierce" jokes have already been migrated and already have top priority.
Old Man Yells At Cloud… While High On Oxy
The problem with this theory is that Coop isn't inhabiting Dougie's body. Dougie vanished/was pulled into the Black Lodge before Coop materialized through the electrical outlet. Also, a giveaway that DoppleCoop isn't in Coop's real body is that he has a reversed fingerprint.
Yes, they are that bloody hopeless. You really can't judge his writing based on this and Under The Dome. As someone else mentioned, all of the characters in this are original, so you can't blame King for that.
"As far as Obama he was very weak as president so people were not worried about his taking guns despite his support for bans and confiscation"
Oh, that's absolute bullshit and you know it. You nut jobs were utterly terrified. Funny how you have conveniently forgotten how you all panicked and caused a lengthy ammo…
He thrusks his fisks againsk the posks and still insisks he see the ghosks.
Yeah, I can think of a few others, too. Maybe it was the first serious one about space travel or something.
I've heard it was the first "serious" or "adult" sci-fi film, but I don't know how much truth there is to that claim.
I love Diabolik (seriously, Bava + Morricone), but it is an extremely silly movie.
At the very least, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs said he wasn't going to change the military's policy on trans soldiers because of a fucking tweet. So there's that.
I call mine The Lich King.
I should really see a urologist.
Not even counting The Shining, there was a run of damn good directors taking the helm for a while - DePalma, Carpenter, Cronenberg, Hooper.
They CGI the hell of his body these days. I think he's terrified of the fact that being an Operating Thetan and having control over the material world still doesnt stop the ravages of age and gravity.
So who is more forehead-smacking dimwitted: ScreenPrism for thinking this video needed to be made, or Dan Neilan for thinking that it needed to be shared?
Why Is Cinema
Nope, fructose is a sugar. The body doesn't metabolize it the same way as it does sucrose, but it's a sugar nonetheless.
Eh, it wasn't really that secret. News of that operation was already a few years old. Still, your point stands. The guy can't keep his mouth shut about anything.
You're saying there's not a massive crossover of Meredith Monk and Britney Spears fans?
Definitely wouldn't have picked The Scream for Siouxsie and also wouldn't have picked the S/T debut for The Raincoats. Odyshape all the way!